Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ March 28 2009, 2:39 AM GMT
*Puts on Hippy Mum hat*
Don, I think the point that Danny and Marc was making it that it was comming across that you were making judgements on Seefacts and his personality based of a few written words on a forum. You know, some of the biggest issues we have on this site and this also appears on others is that too many people make silly judgement about people they've never met and feel that it's right to have a go at them personally because they didn't like a subject or an opinion that was brought up by that person. Ask anyone here who has ever attended a meet. Very few have ever said "Oh so and so is just as I thought they were". Computers are misleading.
The post was about Seefacts looking back at this and wandering if he was in the wrong or right, NOT boasting he was right. He ADMITS it himself he could have been nicer. Everyone here has passed an opinion on if Seefact was right or wrong but you are the only one attempting to take it further by making it personal, asking him if it was you would he do the same to you? I would like to ask if YOU would say that to him if you weren't on the other end on a computer? He is not comming across as a rude bully but you are and that the impression you are putting out there right now which is what Marc and Danny reacted to and you replied, not with any decent facts, but personal and rude remarks, when they were reacting to you in the same kind of reaction you used on Seefacts.
I don't know you as a person. I've never met you, I know little about the kind of person, you are, all I've seen is some posts on this one thread. If I did what you did and judged you soley on those posts, and this is in theory, I would have to say you are a bully. In a post you made a remark about how you were a 6ft boxer and that is intimating language (don't pretend it wasn't, it was and 15 year old boys pull that one) and you back up this image when both Danny and Marc pointed this out by lashing out back with rude comments. That's not fair of me at all, is it? I'm making a snap harsh judgement of someone over something I read. That's not the whole you is it? And it's not very nice, is it? I actually hope you are a good person who cares about people and just wanted to stand up for people you never met making the world better which would be very nice of you.
I'm not saying what ether said was right of what Seefact did wasn't rude but what I am doing is pointing out that judging people over a silly post is dumb. And you are being just as badly behaved as the people you are lashing out at.
We all get a bit carried away. Everyone here does (oh the fun) but I think you'll find we are a nice lot. Even Mr Facts. Grudges are rarely held. If they were, not one would post. Tea? 
I don't think he was being a bully at all. It was an attempt to glean if a different age and and shape would have got a different response.
Quote: DaButt @ March 28 2009, 3:14 AM GMT
I agree. I'm sure he's a nice guy who I wouldn't mind sharing a pint with, but it actually *is* possible to tell an awful lot about someone and their motivation by what he/she posts on the Internet. I've met hundreds of people "in real life" after meeting them online and I don't recall being surprised by their personalities.
Personally, my comments to Mr. Seefacts were intended to show him another way of looking at things rather than to chastise him for his actions. One of the best things about being human is that we're all allowed to be ourselves - at least to a certain extent.
The people I've met from the internet met my expectations exactly. In most cases a good thing