British Comedy Guide

With or without beard? Page 4

Eek. Yes, get rid of it!

And then moisturise!

Quote: Timbo @ March 27 2009, 9:40 PM GMT

I am trying to steel myself to shave off my beard. I grew it last year to cover up the scaring left by shingles, but now the acupuncturist who is treating the neuralgia caused by the scarring is complaining she can't see where to put the needles... If I get drunk enough it might go tonight.

Every few years I decide to stop shaving and cutting my hair for 6 months to a year or more. Then one night I'll get a few beers in me and off it goes. These photos are from about 5 years ago. Sorry for any psychological harm this might cause; small children and expectant mothers are advised to turn away immediately.


Looooooooooooooook! It's DaButttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow. You really should NEVER grow your facial hair again. You look infinitely better all clean!

I like the furry one.

The hair is best in the first one, and the non beardyness is best in the last. :)

Quote: Aaron @ March 28 2009, 12:49 AM GMT

Wow. You really should NEVER grow your facial hair again. You look infinitely better all clean!

I usually have about 10 days' worth of beard and hair. Sometimes I shave it off, sometimes I let it grow for a few months. It doesn't really matter to me, but I must admit that I HATE shaving more than once every 3 or 4 days.

Women have to me that I look both better and worse, younger and older when I have a beard, so I don't put much thought into it. But sometimes it's fun to be a long-haired, bearded weirdo.

For some reason, DaButt, I imagine you to have the beard et al. Makes sense to me. I say keep it permanently, just so I recognise you if I ever see you. :)

Quote: DaButt @ March 28 2009, 12:47 AM GMT

Welcome to America's Most Wanted!

Quote: DaButt @ March 28 2009, 12:47 AM GMT

These photos are from about 5 years ago.


You look about five years younger.

Quote: DaButt @ March 28 2009, 12:47 AM GMT

Every few years I decide to stop shaving and cutting my hair for 6 months to a year or more. Then one night I'll get a few beers in me and off it goes. These photos are from about 5 years ago. Sorry for any psychological harm this might cause; small children and expectant mothers are advised to turn away immediately.


A similar thing happened in an episode of Buffy / Star Trek / Space 1999 where the sophisticated humans were regressed into neanderthal cavemen. (I always pronounce the 'H' in neanderthal just to wind people up).

Why you showed us the picture of the hair in the sink is beyond me. Did you think that we all thought 'Where's his hair gone, did he eat it?', 'Did it grow back inside his skull and face?', 'Is he like one of those Playdoh barber heads?' :P

It was so I realised it didn't just all go back in.

I did when I was very ickle.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ March 28 2009, 3:29 AM GMT

Why you showed us the picture of the hair in the sink is beyond me.

Just documenting the experience for future generations. At least I didn't glue it to my chest.


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