Friday 27th March 2009 8:58pm
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: Graham Bandage @ March 27 2009, 1:28 PM GMT
I'm going to tell you a little story.
A couple of years ago, I got on the bus. Now I looked down the aisle and every window seat was taken, so I realised I was going to have to sit next to somebody.
So I surveyed the scene. There was a nice late middle-aged woman about halfway down the bus, so I decided she was the best bet. Approximately eight seconds after I sat down, she put on a baseball cap.
Now, given that the only people allowed to wear baseball caps are baseball players and kids who will soon be off to Orlando to swim with the dolphins, I realised I had chosen wrongly.
She didn't prove me wrong. She sneezed, without covering her mouth, sending a green glowing globule crashing into the back of the head of the man in front.
She blushed, and belmed, "Excuse me." And I realised I'd misjudged the situation. She wasn't a loon, she had learning difficulties, and I felt a bit bad.
But she was saying, "Excuse me," so that I would stand up and she could leave the bus. So I did and she left. And I thought, "Great! A seat to myself." So I sat down, and put my hand on the seat to shuffle across to the promised land of the window.
Is anybody familiar with the condition stress incontinence? Apparently, sneezing is very bad for it.
Now. There I was, with a wee-wee hand and a small puddle of wee-wee next to me. What was I to do? Should I stand up? No, because somebody would sit in it. So I stayed on the aisle seat, acting as a big piss barrier.
But now the bus was filling up. And it was standing room only, apart from the seat next to me. I wasn't going to volunteer the information that I'd just dipped my palm in a mentally-handicapped woman's urine, but was happy to explain if anybody asked me.
Nobody did. Because we were all British. They just looked daggers at me because I was sitting in the aisle seat and not shoving up.
That - THAT! - is the only excuse anybody should ever have not to allow a fellow passenger or diner to sit down. Seefacts and Lee, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
That's fabulous.
Quote: Seefacts @ March 27 2009, 3:58 PM GMT
How am I (sitting in peace, minding my own business, NOT irritating anyone) be worse than someone who sticks their hooter in and annoys innocent people?
Hooter sticking is almost always bad, inherently. What you did was only rude given the exact situation.
Quote: Seefacts @ March 27 2009, 3:58 PM GMT
People say up north you'll get talked to at the bus stop, but down south you don't. Well, I'm glad I'm based south (more or less) then.