Peaches: Today I am interviewing the most happening serial killer around. Paul Mitchell. Paul, the press dubbed you the SAD serial killer, what does that mean?
SAD: 'Sons and Daughters'. I wanted to save the world from being subjected to the fame-hungry children of talent-less has-beens.
Peaches: Oh yeah, I hate them too.
SAD: I specialised in offing the offspring of 80's pop stars. I bit the head off Kelly Osborne…skinned Otis Ferry alive…
Peaches: Oh was that you?.
SAD: I had a list I was working my way through… Nicole Ritchie, Kimberley Stewart…
Peaches: Kinda like a 'if your name ain't on the list… you're not getting done in! type-thing?.
SAD: As a matter of fact you were on the list…
Peaches: Who me, Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Geldof?
SAD: I didn't say it was a short list…
Peaches: So, you were going to kill me too! Tell me why?
SAD: I don't like Mundane!