I think worrying about what to do with the rest of your life is a little unnecessary. I used to panic about it but now I don't so much. Even if now you decide to do something, it doesn't mean you will still feel that way in ten years. Just do what you enjoy now and see if it leads you anywhere. Anything that makes you unhappy isn't worth it.
I need a job, help me, although... Page 3
Lord M, you've been asked back - if they are open to the idea of you returning to your old job, is there any possible way they might be able to make changes to it to suit you, to encourage you back? Might be worth considering that, if it would mean whatever was making you feel bad at the end of the day could be addressed somehow.
Was it actually the job that was making you feel bad, or did feeling bad in general make you resent your job ?
Has there been any improvement on the romance front since your previous thread?
Quote: Fred Sunshine @ March 18 2009, 10:50 AM GMTWas it actually the job that was making you feel bad, or did feeling bad in general make you resent your job ?
Has there been any improvement on the romance front since your previous thread?
It was the people, I feel a bit harsh saying people when it was in fact one person who I just couldn't stand to be around anymore. I was asked back but knowing that person still worked there, I refused. There has been no improvement on the romance front and this person isn't the only reason I left, I hated the job too. I just lost all interest therefore started making silly mistakes etc. Everything seemed to be pointing me in the direction of the exit. I was happy to leave, but am bored stiff now. However, not one part of me wants to return to work there.
Quote: Lee Henman @ March 18 2009, 2:05 AM GMTMeldrum, it's shit at the moment jobwise, but my advice to you would be to decide what you REALLY want to do with your life, then take any old shitty job that pays the bills until you're in a position to move into the fast lane.
Like many others on here, I want to be a successful writer and am making good strides. I just want a simple job to keep the money coming in and to allow me to continue writing.
Quote: Lord Meldrum @ March 18 2009, 10:54 AM GMTThere has been no improvement on the romance front
When you move to Asia or South America to become an English teacher, your sex life is almost certain to improve. And if you are really into writing - and don't mind selling out and writing crap - soap opera producers in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are always after script writers. Doesn't matter if you don't speak their language, just write it in English and they'll translate. A Scandinavian friend of mine makes a comfortable living doing this. The fact that he's in the pub every day is neither here nor there.
Quote: Lord Meldrum @ March 18 2009, 10:54 AM GMTI want to be a successful writer and am making good strides. I just want a simple job to keep the money coming in and to allow me to continue writing.
Oops, better disregard my previous post(s). Sorry if I sounded flippant. Although you can always write in spare time when abroad.
Quote: Kenneth @ March 18 2009, 11:53 AM GMTsoap opera producers in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia are always after script writers. Doesn't matter if you don't speak their language, just write it in English and they'll translate. A Scandinavian friend of mine makes a comfortable living doing this. The fact that he's in the pub every day is neither here nor there.
That's great.
Quote: Aaron @ March 18 2009, 2:13 AM GMTFor those people who actually DO know, at what point did you decide/realize what you really want to do with your life?
I remember sitting in a cubicle at a call centre for an American cable company with a customer on hold, dreading going back to tell them that they would have to pay for an error in billing that the company had actually made and not him...just because no matter what he did the company could get away with it.
I specifically remember thinking "I can't do this anymore, I want a job that helps people, not screw them over". I went home and discussed it with my fiancee and we decided together that I would go back to school.
I had already gone to school for Graphic Design but in all reality its a career that isn't much different than that call centre job. It's soulless work. Plus I couldn't find work in Ottawa because I am not bilingual, and most of the contracts in Ottawa meant French/English.
If you're 21 I'm guessing you don't have a mortgage, wife, kids, sickly dog etc?
You're the most free you've ever been and ever will be. Travel get out and about find a job which pays less but includes accommodation then when you move find a better job where you are. Work out how much you need to live and earn that. Don't look to work to being inherently fun just as a bearable way of apying for what you need.
The Youth Hostel Association can get you work with accommodation virtually anywhere in the country.
Quote: Lord Meldrum @ March 17 2009, 3:53 PM GMTI can turn my hand to anything and yes, yes I am desperate.
Cue for the groomers to muscle in.
Quote: SlagA @ March 18 2009, 5:27 PM GMTCue for the groomers to muscle in.
Find a happy place.....
My dear Melders, voluntary work for a couple of days a week gets you out of the house and can lead to new skills (as mentioned in an earlier post). I do voluntary work when my order book permits.
We are approaching the holiday season, so temporary paid jobs will be available.
Try volunteering with the Broads Authority and Natural England - they both operate in your area. For seasonal work, go to the Broads boatyards or the coastal resorts. (Great Yarmouth is a truly inspirational place for comedy ideas!)
Good luck and keep writing.
Try volunteering for a charity where you come into contact with confused and vulnerable people. That way you kill two birds with one stone: good skills for your CV, and contact with a lot of women who are incredibly easy to bed.