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The Vet and The Time Traveller

Ok the premise isthat's theres this vet right, his name is Bob and Bob he is scared of dogs, cats and all animals that aint got scales, so hes practice is going under so he is very depressed. Now he meets up with a time traveller called Bob as well (I never understood why you can't use the same names in programmes) Bob says to him, its ok bob, come to the future, the only pets that people are allowed to keep are ones with scales, so bob goes to the future with bob and they open up a vet practice together, Ok the year is 13003 and the world is controlled by internet monsters who have crows inside them, its a strange world and Bob doesn't like it

Im not sure if its a sit com or a film or a radio 4 play, tell me what you think?

I threw a little paddy and deleted this post.

Oh, definitely Radio 4. And if they try and get you to rename one of the Bobs then don't stand for it.

I threw a little paddy and deleted this post.

Quote: WoodMeister @ March 17 2009, 11:38 AM GMT

Oops, I forgot to answer your question. It's too funny for Radio 4. I'd pitch it as a sitcom to Channel 4 or maybe take it straight to HBO.

And the 'Two Bobs' situation isn't a problem at all. Maybe refer to the Bob from the future as 'Future Bob'? Just an idea.

No, no, WoodMeister, that'd be compromising. Bob and Bob, that's fine.

theres more than 2 bobs, I didnt want to cloud your minds and get flamed, but actually everyone in it is going to be called bob, including the women

It's all a bit two-bob to me.

What About Bobs?

Quote: WoodMeister @ March 17 2009, 11:48 AM GMT

You're right, John. Frankly, I'm a little embarrassed I even dared to suggest an idea to Henry. It's akin to Jacko from 'Brushstrokes' shouting painting advice at Michealangelo.

Henry, you rock my socks. All characters called Bob? Great idea. But why limit yourself to people called Bob? Why not start calling inanimate objects Bob too? So you could have:


Bob sits on the bob, wearing a smart pair of bobs. He's reading a bob and sucking on a bob flavoured bob.

Enter Bob, carrying a bob with a bob sticking out of it...

now you are just being silly

bob and bob are now called tim and duke for the sake of being in berlin because in berlin people don't like bobs and they are trying to remain inconspicious

please try to remember they are time travellers


Berlin 1941. Pavement café. Early Morning. Duke and Timothy sit sharing a pot of tea. They are served by a panic stricken looking waiter. Allied bombs are falling all around them. People are screaming and running for shelter. Duke and Timothy sit unperturbed drinking tea. The waiter is now visibly shaking.

Duke) Positive. Next door get hits and the other next door but here we are fine. Next week though don't sit here

(Waiter serves more tea spilling it as he serves)

Waiter) Can I leave now?

Duke) Yes boy, run for your life. But not that way (Points left) or that way (Points right) Yes run for your life. Under the table. Run By. Hah

(Waiter hides under table)

Tim) We have to kill the Witches grandmother. She is in a forest near here in the year 1640. If we do this I believe that the three rulers of time would cease to exist. We would then be safe

Duke) We have a plan to do this?

Tim) Yes

Duke) And this witches grandmother. Is she also a witch?

Tim) 6000 years old and living in a tree house

Duke) Strong magic?

Tim) Yes, stronger then ours combined, but she is with weakness. She has a fatal allergy to hazelnuts. She eats one she explodes

Duke) I could do this

(Tim looks at waiter hiding under the table)

Tim) You got any hazelnuts in that kitchen of yours?

Waiter) Please don't make me move

Tim) (To Duke) I'm going into that kitchen and I am going to bake a pie.

(To Waiter) If that's ok with you?

Waiter) Pretend I am not here

Tim) (To Duke) You will tell this witch it is a pie of Eagle eye and parrot foetus heart. She will wolf it down

Duke) You know this ladies appetites?

Tim) She used to baby sit me as a youngster

Duke) I can do this. I will tell her I am paying her visit from a great grandchild of hers in the year 3000. I was asked to bring her a pie.

Tim) She did not get to over 6000 by being gullible. You will have to be clever.

Duke) The way to a woman's heart is through her stomach

(Duke points to his crotch)

Tim) You will do this

Duke) I shall. It shall be an adventure to tell my grandkids

Tim) They already read it

I don't think there would have been daylight bombing of Berlin in 1941. Best check that out.

Quote: WoodMeister @ March 17 2009, 11:48 AM GMT

You're right, John. Frankly, I'm a little embarrassed I even dared to suggest an idea to Henry. It's akin to Jacko from 'Brushstrokes' shouting painting advice at Michealangelo.

Henry, you rock my socks. All characters called Bob? Great idea. But why limit yourself to people called Bob? Why not start calling inanimate objects Bob too? So you could have:


Bob sits on the bob, wearing a smart pair of bobs. He's reading a bob and sucking on a bob flavoured bob.

Enter Bob, carrying a bob with a bob sticking out of it...

Oh, hang on. I've just made another suggestion. Foolish woodmeister! I am Jacko! You are Michaelangelo!

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