British Comedy Guide

Failed to trouble the judges - 7 on 7

A couple that I sent in.


Welcome to Property Location. And this week we're trying to find two suitable homes for career woman, Jacqui Smith. Our search is taking us to London and Redditch.

Jacqui's got a budget, courtesy of a government grant, of one hundred and sixteen thousand pounds for one of the properties, and a healthy subsidy from a family member for the other, so we're hoping that this might make our task a little bit easier.

OK Jacqui, what sort of thing are you hoping that we can find for you?

Well anything really. Just so long as I can get one for next to nothing and I can make a few quid on the other.



Psst! Want to buy some tickets for the show gents? See the lot – guaranteed.

What is it, a new lap dancing club mate?

No. It's the London - Edinburgh train. The female staff have been issued with new blouses and they're practically see-through.


Just as crap as one the skits I submitted, if that's any consolation. ;)

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ March 11 2009, 10:52 PM GMT

Just as crap as one the skits I submitted, if that's any consolation. ;)

Thanks ever so Cool Laughing out loud

Not your best mate. But then I never even got a reply so what do I know? Pity, cos David Mitchell was dying to meet me.

Hi Blenks

You've written better, I'm afraid.

Given the build-up for the first one, I think the sketch needs to be a bit longer; especially if you are trying to take off some property show.

Second one's a bit predictable. If you had a proper, unexpected twist (we think we might see their boobies, but in actual fact something completely out of leftfield) then that would do it a whole lot of good. Not that I can go as far as thinking of anything, obviously, so I'm absolutely no use in that respect...


Wotcher Dan,

I think that your comments would be OK if the sketches were going to be "stand alone" ideas for general consumption, but in the context of the brief we were working to then I would have to disagree.

The idea was for the material to be topical and reflective of the current news and sport etc for the week and both of these are / were.

The first isn't an attempted take off of a property show. It's a comment on the Jacqui Smith story relevant to that week (two houses both subsidised one by us punters and the other her sister) with the property show as the vehicle for the dig. The joke's Jacqui and the money and not property shows per se.

The second was again very of the day / week that the story broke so was once more right "on the brief" I thought. And although it was covered in most media it wasn't exactly a biggie so I would never have seen the punch as "predictable" in this context - and hey, even though I wrote the punch it still surprises me :)

I think that your idea of bringing in something leftfield is not relevant to the joke. Again it is what it is and no need for a twist.

Now of course whether or not the sketches were any good - that is an entirely different matter and one down to one's own personal taste :) My reply here is just about your crit and not the quality or lack of same in the actual sketches themselves

I'm not saying that these are brilliant or that I was robbed or owt, just that in this case I feel that your crit misses the point a bit.

Doubtless a cue here for the inevitable lurkers to give it the old "Can't take criticism" routine (the cry that always goes up in a vain attempt to wind people up who seek to defend their own position) but on this occasion I'll risk it to make my own views clear.

And anyway I think you know me (virtually) well enough to know that I am not particularly precious about what I do.

Oh yeah!? Whistling nnocently

Cheers matey.


No probs. You wanna fight? ;)

As ever, only my opinion. I didn't get anything on, so am not saying why it would/wouldn't get on, just why it doesn't work for me.

As usual, it's do as I say, not as I do! :)


Quote: swerytd @ March 13 2009, 7:58 AM GMT

No probs. You wanna fight? ;)

Oh yeah? !! Oh Yeah!!? C'mover here and say that pal!!!

*Dances round handbag a bit*


Yeah OK then!! Yeah!

*Dances round handbag again and then walks off*

Bloody writers. Big tarts!

;) ;) ;)

Now you see, *that's* funny! ;)


But I've missed the deadline now!!

We ought to be a partnership!!!

Quote: swerytd @ March 13 2009, 7:58 AM GMT

You wanna fight? ;)

Don't fight him. Look at his muscles. And he's a cartoon. They can take loads of punishment.

Quote: Ponderer @ March 13 2009, 10:08 AM GMT

Don't fight him. Look at his muscles. And he's a cartoon. They can take loads of punishment.

Hey! Check the pecs!

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