Tada!! Me too!
Status report Page 505
*Victory Dance*
*Victory Dance*
Hows Operation:Roo goin?
Ellie is listening to a new album which is very secret but very good!
Yes, and I like listening to new music!
I'm back!! Did anyone miss me?
I'll just go away again.
I missed you Leevil. I couldn't smell you anymore...and I was getting bored of fresh air.
Just wondering at what age you officialy become unattractive to the opposite sex. Must be something to do with skin elasticity.
I don't think it's an age thing... it's a stop looking after yourself thing i.e "Letting yourself go."
Quote: EllieJP @ March 10 2009, 10:43 AM GMTI don't think it's an age thing... it's a stop looking after yourself thing i.e "Letting yourself go."
No, but some people are very well preserved, attractive even, yet you feel no sexual attraction to them. It's like the spark's gone.
Are you trying to say you can't feel the spark between me and you anymore?
Quote: EllieJP @ March 10 2009, 10:50 AM GMTAre you trying to say you can't feel the spark between me and you anymore?
I'll always feel a spark with you, Ellie, even when you a fat wrinkled hag with no teeth and a serious wart problem.
Awww well that's lucky... cause I look like this...