British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 740

I think so. Laurence Olivier?

Not the nine o' clock news :)

Quote: Nil Putters @ March 9 2009, 12:49 AM GMT

I think so. Laurence Olivier?

Yup. Great film.

:D Score! Geek

Night! Hug

:D Night. :)

The remake of Flight of the Phoenix. It's not as powerful as the original, but I quite enjoyed it. And at least this version didn't have a monkey in that I had to worry about.

Quote: chipolata @ March 9 2009, 10:57 AM GMT

The remake of Flight of the Phoenix. It's not as powerful as the original, but I quite enjoyed it. And at least this version didn't have a monkey in that I had to worry about.

is that the one Dennis "SHOUT MY LINES!" Quaid?

Quote: Gavin @ March 9 2009, 11:01 AM GMT

is that the one Dennis "SHOUT MY LINES!" Quaid?

Yes, but I like him a lot. He was fantastic in The Right Stuff and The Big Easy.

He's been in some awful films thought like Day after Tomorrow with Donnie Darko.

Quote: Gavin @ March 9 2009, 11:10 AM GMT

He's been in some awful films thought like Day after Tomorrow with Donnie Darko.

Oh yeah, he pissed away his career. And he was humiliated when his wife, Trout lips, buggered off with Russell Crowe for a bit.

Beaten By Crowe. For Shame.

I also saw a bit of that Piers morgan chatshow last night with Katey Price... :O Sick

Yes, that was ... enlightening, shall we say.

Family Guy

Laughing out loud Ass licking horse!!

Quote: Nil Putters @ March 9 2009, 10:20 PM GMT

Family Guy

Laughing out loud Ass licking horse!!

What a gourmous looking creature it is though.

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