British Comedy Guide

Writing for Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) Page 16

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ March 9 2009, 9:36 AM GMT

Eddie Large?

Izzard. (Walking on stage in the nice outfit and boots.)

And I laughed at 'Large'. But I'm sorry, I'm such an old git, I just can't bring myself to post an emoticon.

Quote: Little Jersey Devil @ March 9 2009, 7:08 AM GMT

Mmm. Dunno. Being female didn't help me any. Still got the generic rejection. But it seems like the fancy rejection doesn't really offer much more. There aren't any special emails to send stuff to. They still have to check the boards. Your experience makes the two types of letters seem totally random now. Maybe the purpose of the two types was to keep it interesting. A variety pack of failure, with two delicious types of despair! ;)

It's probably just that they were going through rejecting people in batches and the email they typed one day weas different from the email they typed another day.

Well, who did I get? 'Couldn't be f**ked to even send a reply' person?

Quote: Afinkawan @ March 6 2009, 1:17 PM GMT

I got a shorter version. They must have really hated my stuff!

Hang on a minute! Did you send them 'Mechanic #1'? Cos if they didn't want that, we're in line for a bloody amazing show!


Quote: swerytd @ March 9 2009, 10:18 AM GMT

Hang on a minute! Did you send them 'Mechanic #1'? Cos if they didn't want that, we're in line for a bloody amazing show!


I sent them Mechanic #1, a re-written version of 3 Little Pigs and also

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ March 9 2009, 9:42 AM GMT

I don't think Yellow 586 is saying his submission under his girlfriend's name was better received because they believed they were written by a woman - rather that he was surprised their judgment was so different to his own.

I'm obviously someone who can't be arsed to read the message properly sorry, perhaps I should get a job in the writers room?

Quote: Afinkawan @ March 9 2009, 10:23 AM GMT

I sent them Mechanic #1, a re-written version of 3 Little Pigs and also

Bloody hell. Mechanic #1 is one of the best sketches I've *ever* read! Topical or otherwise!

(I've fedback on them now, dragging them up from the pits of 'Critique'!)


Ironically, I've started sending stuff out under my Red Cross email address to see if that plays better.

Dolly Dagger is right. It did cross my mind they preferred them cos they thought they were from a woman (positive discrimination and all that) but that's blown out the water by the replies on here. Might not be ideal. Didn't get to the Masterclass although I would state that a Masterclass with David Mitchell seems a contradiction in terms.


Mitchell might learn something though.

I've still not received any communication at all from the BBC and am now officially angry. I spent quite a lot of time on topical sketches which, by their very nature, I won't be able to reuse but still they don't have the decency to paste my e-mail address into a standard auto-reply and press send.

Perhaps they should change their tag line to 'BBC Writers Room - Discouraging New Writing'.

Grrrr ...

Still nowt for me either. You get used to it though... unfortunately.


This is due to happen next month. Have any 'we will be in touch' writers heard anything about contributing?

Last some of us heard, this has been put back to June/July and apparently, they're still not quite sure exactly what's going on with it.


You've got to expect that sort of thing to happen if you go about rejecting the sketches I sent in.

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