British Comedy Guide

7 on 7 loser

This was my take on the Zimbabwe situation but it feels really wierd now since the advent of recent events.

INTERVIEWER: So, Morgan Tsvangirai, how are you enjoying your first week as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe?

TSVANGIRAI:Well, I feel that so far it is a success. And I should stress, in particular, that I am not dead.

INTERVIEWER: <BEAT> Yes, well. <BEAT> But, surely you must be concerned that there has been a fresh wave of farm seizures in the face of condemnation throughout the world?

TSVANGIRAI:This is indeed regrettable, and I have raised it most firmly with the appropriate ministries, and they congratulated me.

INTERVIEWER: On your statesman-like response?

TSVANGIRAI:No <BEAT> on the fact that I was still alive.

INTERVIEWER: <BEAT> So, what is your…

TSVANGIRAI:(INTERRUPTING) Have you seen this picture of my house?

INTERVIEWER: <BEAT> Very nice. But what…?

TSVANGIRAI: Did you notice the complete lack of flames?

INTERVIEWER: That's hardly worth commenting on, surely?

TSVANGIRAI:Do you think so? You'd be surprised how noteworthy most members of Zanu PF have found it.

INTERVIEWER: Mr Tsvangirai, I would be failing in my duty if I did not point out the irony of Mr Mugabe's birthday feast taking place while millions go hungry.

TSVANGIRAI: Of course, we must work to put this right, but, as Mr Mugabe pointed out to me <BEAT>. To feel hungry one first needs to be – A-ha-ha - <BEAT> alive. Which, of course, I am.

INTERVIEWER: And have any of your colleagues raised the concern that becoming Prime Minister under President Mugabe is something of a betrayal

TSVANGIRAI: No. None of my colleagues have expressed such a concern. <BEAT> A number of ex-colleagues voiced such opinions, but have now ceased to do so. Did I show you my house?

INTERVIEWER: Yes, you did. So, in summary, your principal achievement in government is to stay alive?


INTERVIEWER: Bloody hell. It's just like talking to Gordon Brown.

That was really nice! What I would say is you could get into the premise a little more smoothly, with a gag in there too. Like the bookend.

Thanks escalini. I was just going for the repetition motif really. I struggle with the whole topical genre as I never know how to balance funny and topical...clearly I got it wrong in these instances.

good sketch. As you say a pity it was overtaken by events.
did you submit to T/S and N/R?

Quote: Ponderer @ March 7 2009, 11:05 PM GMT

INTERVIEWER: So, Morgan Tsvangirai, how are you enjoying your first week as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe?

TSVANGIRAI:Well, I feel that so far it is a success. And I should stress, in particular, that I am not dead.

I read this with a "pre-recent-events" head and this opening had me in hoots - wickedly funny stuff, Ponderer. As the whole sketch is based on this, I just wonder if it's too long? You have a great gag to kick it off and everything afterwards is a throwback to that, but none of the variations is ever going to touch the killer first bit.

Quote: Fubsy @ March 8 2009, 7:51 PM GMT

good sketch. As you say a pity it was overtaken by events.
did you submit to T/S and N/R?

I've never had any luck with TS/NR and have kind of given up. I may try to write a few more to send over the next few weeks.

Quote: Badge @ March 8 2009, 8:39 PM GMT

I read this with a "pre-recent-events" head and this opening had me in hoots - wickedly funny stuff, Ponderer. As the whole sketch is based on this, I just wonder if it's too long? You have a great gag to kick it off and everything afterwards is a throwback to that, but none of the variations is ever going to touch the killer first bit.

I take your point badge, I just thought the repetition was entertaining, but I guess how much you do is always a difficult call.

Looking at it as when it was written, it's very good and funny. Agree with Badge that maybe one or two less "intermediate" lines would keep the overall rhythm and pace better. But a hard balance to get, and I realise how difficult it can be to not write up every idea on the theme.

Oh, and don't give up on NR/TS. You never know, something you write may just hit the mark. And your sketches are funny

Very nice!

Thanks Rob & Bigfella. I certainly agree it could do with some work, but I guess that is now redundant.

Good sketch. I like the idea and struck me as very NR/Treason Show in style.

You could of course put in an *extremely* bad taste punchline now and send it in, but it depends on your own moral compass.


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