British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 737

Not watching right now, but Heroes. Bennett, bad guy now/again? Suresh cured, but still has powers? Who got sucked out of the plane? Are they still ripping off Captain America? Where's Molly? Can we get Nemesis naked?

What the Hell's going on?

Are you watching it on BBC?
Or were they Spoilerrrs.

No it was all from Sunday's repeat, they only time I can see it. Hope they finally go somewhere after the 'Arthur Petrelli dead/not dead, dad/not dad, Marvel aren't gonna like this' series.

Heroes is getting a bit shit, even for me, and I tend to stick with shows I like no matter what. But really, it's getting a bit too cack.

I mean, how can Parkman do what he can do? What is the deal with the mystic? And would someone tell Tim Kring the difference between a turtle and a tortoise?!!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ March 3 2009, 7:10 PM GMT

Heroes is getting a bit shit, even for me, and I tend to stick with shows I like no matter what. But really, it's getting a bit too cack.

Yeah, I haven't really enjoyed the current season so far. Not enough superpowers going on, to much 'politics'.

I'm close to giving up on Heroes. I don't think it will ever be as good as Season 1.

There's a woman on my telly with a ruby stud under her bottom lip. It looks like a bling-bling cold sore. I've never seen Jeremy Kyle before as I work for a living, and the volume is turned down, but, my goodness, it's gripping.


Good grief. All those chavs in one place. Gregg's will have to put out a profits warning.

Quote: Graham Bandage @ March 5 2009, 10:10 AM GMT

Good grief. All those chavs in one place. Gregg's will have to put out a profits warning.

I quite like some of Gregg's stuff. :(

Mmmm bakery.

Quote: chipolata @ March 5 2009, 10:34 AM GMT

I quite like some of Gregg's stuff. :(

It's all right, Chip. It doesn't make you a chav. Even I've had the odd Gregg's Cornish pasty.

I like the little pizza sticks from Greggs. That's all I tend to buy though.

But, Lee! It's packed with sandwiches!

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