Ok, very boring I know and to cut a long story short - I dated this girl I really liked who eventually got back with her ex. My last date with this girl was back in November. I know this girl isn't the one for me, but why do I keep thinking about her?
I haven't dated anyone since, I'm not someone who meets girls/women every week and dates them. My main problem is that I keep picturing her and her boyfriend having sex etc. I hate the thought of it, I can't seem to help thinking about it. I'm not having sex with anyone at the moment, is it just jealousy I'm feeling because he gets to shag her and I don't?
I'm sick to death of thinking about her, I haven't seen or heard from her in just over a month, so why can't I just leave her behind? I know I'm jealous, but I just want to stop thinking about them having sex. What is my f'n problem.