Naughty mummy.
Status report Page 464
Quote: Aaron @ February 24 2009, 5:01 PM GMTSitting*
I've been corrected by Aaron! Never felt more accepted in my life!
Naughty Mummy indeed.
I didn't go to the brainy school she teaches at now. At my old school I was seen as one of the clever kids... I wouldn't even get into a private school.
Quote: Balf @ February 24 2009, 5:17 PM GMTI've been corrected by Aaron! Never felt more accepted in my life!
Quote: Balf @ February 24 2009, 5:17 PM GMTI've been corrected by Aaron! Never felt more accepted in my life!
Clearing these store reports like a bulldozer from Hell! (cue Rocky music)
Quote: EllieJP @ February 24 2009, 5:13 PM GMTShe was my teacher at one point for Psychology. Unfortunately, becausee of this all my work got sent off for extra checking by outsiders... turns out my mum had been too harsh on me!
Wait... You studied psychology? That is scary.
Quote: Balf @ February 24 2009, 5:17 PM GMTI've been corrected by Aaron! Never felt more accepted in my life!
You're welcome.
Off home to eat sausages and do some writing, play with Wedge and fall asleep.

Is that for anal?
I tried to go outside and use my new electric tiller/cultivator to prepare for planting a vegetable garden, but it's 30C outside and I gave up after a few minutes. It's too early in the year to sweat.
Oh, Pancake Day is over and I didn't eat 4 of the pancakes!!!
Roo has discovered she has a couple of people claiming to be her!
Just set the Sky+ for Corrie tomorrow. You should too.
My teeth and face hurt
I've just discovered my new boss has a picture of David Tennant in her office. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.
Also, I just helped a super hot sexy woman load stuff into her car. But it was really heavy and I had to pretend I wasn't straining every sinew in my body just to avoid looking weak and puny.