British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 729


Recording QI, will watch soon if you lot don't entertain me... right, I'm off! ;)


QI also, which strangely was the name of a Cirque de Soleil type thing in Germany. :S

Everyone's watching NGO aren't they, you bastards. Oh well, I'll go n watch it too.

I am! First joke was hilarious but awful.

Yeah, I am too.

Pushing Daisies. :D

Ned <3

Recording.... I like to pause a lot for Lee Pace.


So shallow.

Jonathon Ross with Mickey Rourke.
Great interview.

Battlestar Galactica

Quote: Fred Sunshine @ February 20 2009, 11:48 PM GMT

Jonathon Ross with Mickey Rourke.
Great interview.

It was really good wasn't it? The sort that really infuriates me about Ross - he can pull off great interviews like this and the one with Faye Dunaway (before the ban) yet he turns so many interviews into a succession of smut and self-congratulation.

*smirks* I said "pull off".

Loved this week's QI. Ben Miller is fabulous.

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