Myself and a friend decided to hook our PS3s up to the internet last night and play Call of Duty 4 online. Oh dear, what a baptism of fire! Even though I've been a regular kind of gamer since 1980 with the old Atari 2600, nothing had prepared me for the thing that is the 'online youth'.
I'm not entirely sure I understood everything that they said, and between the swearing, bitching and cussing I was left wondering if they actually had anything useful to say at all. At one point I thought the brevado a lot of them were displaying meant that I had got it all wrong, they were not simply foul mouthed teenagers but in fact veterans of actual war.
It took me about 5 games before I even managed to kill anyone. I would swear that the people who populate this game must have nothing else to do all day except play COD4 online.
Saying all that, it was great fun. I have heard that there are groups of people online who set up games that are 'teenage idiot free' so I will have a look for these.
Does anyone here play COD4 online on the PS3 Network?