Well it's impressed me and I read a lot on the way to work so it will be nice not to have to carry round a spare book or two in case I finish one in the middle of my commute!
What are you reading right now? Page 60
Quote: Afinkawan @ February 20 2009, 11:13 AM GMTWell it's impressed me and I read a lot on the way to work so it will be nice not to have to carry round a spare book or two in case I finish one in the middle of my commute!
Know what you mean - I get through about 2 a week due to tube travel.
Quote: Afinkawan @ February 20 2009, 11:13 AM GMTWell it's impressed me and I read a lot on the way to work so it will be nice not to have to carry round a spare book or two in case I finish one in the middle of my commute!
Soooo can you upload a lot of books on to it? Do you pay for the download? How does it work? I'm intrigued!
It's got 200 meg or so internal memory which they reckon is about enough for 160 books. There is a slot for Sony Memory Sticks and another slot for SD/SDHC cards and it says it works on up to 32 gig cards - which should be enough memory for thousands of books. It also comes with a CD of 100 classics on it. Stuff like Frankenstein, Dracula, Alice in Wonderland, Jules Verne, HG Wells, Gulliver, Jane Eyre - that sort of thing.
Basically it runs Sony's own ebook format, PDFs and anything in Rich Text (RTF) so you can bung all sorts of documents on it. It's easy enough to convert any Word document to RTF. You can buy ebooks from Waterstones online shop as well as various other places.
You download the document onto your pc, plug in the reader and add the book to it through the software, pretty much the same as an mp3 player.
Obviously, as with mp3 players, what you don't do is download a torrent of the book you want...
I just finished reading Night of the Triffids by Simon Clark. As a story in its own right it was reasonable but, I thought as a follow up to the scenario created by John Wyndham it was poor.
I'm not sure what to read next. Here are the books sitting on my bedside locker that I will choose from:
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John Le Carre
Blind Faith by Ben Elton
Survivors by Terry Nation
Fawlty Towers by Graham McCann
The Mist by Stephen King
Hard Evidence by Marc P
Hard Evidence... then you can give us a report!
I don't think I should buy the Sony ebook thing. I bought 25 books last month and I think I'm still in trouble about it (I'd bought myself 8 for Christmas too).
I buy books from Charity shops for 50p then give them back after I've read them.
Quote: EllieJP @ February 20 2009, 12:49 PM GMTI buy books from Charity shops for 50p then give them back after I've read them.
A sort of charitable lending library system!
Indeed. I am a bit fussy though, I don't like really old tatty ones. I like the ones that look like they've had one owner and read once.
Quote: EllieJP @ February 20 2009, 12:49 PM GMTI buy books from Charity shops for 50p then give them back after I've read them.
I tend to do that too but without the giving them back bit. The missus is the same so we have way too many books lying round the flat!
I wouldn't normally have bought the Sony thing except:
a) I wanted to
b) I was lucky to get it cheap on Ebay
c) The credit crunch/lower interest rate has done very nice things to my mortgage repayments for the moment.
Quote: Afinkawan @ February 20 2009, 1:12 PM GMTc) The credit crunch/lower interest rate has done very nice things to my mortgage repayments for the moment.
Ah, yes I know what you mean. Still got in trouble for all the books, though. (maybe the new clothes and shoes didn't help either)
Just finished Brave New World, and it was amazing. Especially seeing as I read some of it while in Berlin.
I normally avoid stuff about wizards and dragons and shit, yet I am currently in love with the Discworld. The Watch rule!
Quote: Dolly Dagger @ February 20 2009, 10:51 AM GMTNo, I haven't. I thought it might be like using a computer - in that it's not good for your eyesight, unlike books?
Myth. There's nothing inherently detrimental to one's eyesight about using a computer. The environment in which the computer is used is the problem - and is more or less the same as the issues associated with watching television.
Quote: Afinkawan @ February 20 2009, 12:12 PM GMTObviously, as with mp3 players, what you don't do is download a torrent of the book you want...
Quote: EllieJP @ February 20 2009, 1:11 PM GMTIndeed.
I am a bit fussy though, I don't like really old tatty ones. I like the ones that look like they've had one owner and read once.
Unlike your boyfriends then.