I work directly opposite another guy in my department and he never stops talking. He talks constantly and it is driving me insane. Most of it is heavily opinionated crap or complete irrelevant tosh. He also thinks aloud and often gives running commentaries on what he is doing. The end result is that I am finding it really difficult to get any work done.
I am suffering work wise and it has also got to the point that I am now being tared with the same brush from other people in the office as they think that both of us can't keep quiet.
I have talked to him about it on numerous occasions. I have been nice about it, I've been nasty about it. I've tried humour, sarcasm, pleading even, but it basically falls on deaf ears. Even shouting at him only got him to be silent for a few hours. I have taken it to the firms directors and explained the situation a number of times. Luckily later in the year my firm is moving and new seating plans have been arranged which will free me from this burden. But until then I am trapped in this world of constant chatter.
I don't want to go to prison for murder so how do I get him to shut the f**k up??