British Comedy Guide

My new boyfriend

I don't know why, but I would laugh a lot more at this if it was a man treating his girlfriend like a dog :S perhaps because as it is, it's a bit normal. You see a lot of things on TV where women are talking down to men.

It would be pretty shocking and un-PC to see a guy doing it to a girl. Then again, would it be funny? And would you get death threats from all sorts of people? Yes.

It's interesting that you see this as the woman talking down (obviously you're right, but..) because I actually thought of this in response to being aware that everything I wrote made men look like the idiots, so tried to make the woman the ridiculous one.

NB have you always enjoyed the idea of woman as dogs? Or is this a recent development?

I've repaid my debt to society.

Quote: Stuart Doherty @ February 11 2009, 7:30 PM GMT

I don't know why, but I would laugh a lot more at this if it was a man treating his girlfriend like a dog :S perhaps because as it is, it's a bit normal. You see a lot of things on TV where women are talking down to men.

It would be pretty shocking and un-PC to see a guy doing it to a girl. Then again, would it be funny? And would you get death threats from all sorts of people? Yes.

This a brillaitn piece of advice as it is at the moment it is a good scene but nothing particularly special but I think the twist and the unpcness would really make it interesting.

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