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Attempt at stand up type stuff

Wanted to try writing a bit of stand-up and as I keep getting called "Harry Potter" (in more than one country) thought might be a place to start.

Wrote it a few weeks ago when couldn't sleep, and having gone back to it suspect it's a little rambly and perhaps lacks pace and (punchy) gags. Was unsure whether it's best to keep to short and simple gags or try almost a conversational style e.g. first joke below is a topical bit that could be done as a quick gag (or is it a balance and something particular to a performer's delivery?)

Anyhoo it's an attempt at something, so feedback appreciated.


So the recession's hit now, and Woolworths has gone, so's MFI and Land of Leather – Can you imagine what it was like at Land of Leather? "What do you mean, we've lost all our money? Have you tried looking down the back of the sofa? Well, try the other one. Yes, and them too. Get on with it then, what do you think we're paying you for, man!" ("you're not, you've got no money") – "ah, right."

But some companies are doing alright out of it, aren't they? Look at Sainsbury's – they're taking on 3000 people, Lidl's not "cheap" any more – oh no, it's "good value." As for Primark – we liked cheap clothes before, now we bloody love 'em. Did you hear about Primark in the news? Just like Natwest, they've stopped outsourcing services. Yes, now instead of having sweatshops in India, they're conveniently located in Manchester. (HUMM NATWEST THEME TUNE) "there is another way" – yeah, why set up factories all the way out there when you can bring immigrants here to work in the same squalid conditions. Only colder. Terrible business… On the other hand, £2.00 for a jumper? Bargain! [Plus, at £3.50 an hour, they can afford their own clothes].

I'm always getting told I look like "Harry Potter". Well, I suppose I look like a cross between the one with glasses and the ginger one. It was bad enough before, being four-eyed and ginger without looking like a bloody wizard too!

If all children were brought up on Harry Potter, maybe we'd reduce youth crime. Instead of stabbing and shooting each other they'd just have spell duels. All these guns and knives are just penis substitutes for hormone-filled kids, so why not just give them a wand instead? "Nah, mate, I can't do a drive-by tonight. I've gotta polish my wand an make Polyjuice potion for double chemistry, innit."

I think Jewish people would have the most to gain from being wizards. I mean, circumcision would be a lot easier if the Mohel was a wizard. Would have to be careful, obviously – "expelliarmus! (PAUSE) Ah. Was only supposed to take the top off." But if it does go wrong, the kid has a penis substitute ready anyway.

(PULL OUT WAND AND WAVE IT AT CROTCH) Grow!…Oh, come on. Like you wouldn't try it.

I use the tube a lot and the announcements are terrible, aren't they? I live at the end of the line, and it sounds like the trains go there to die. Every day it's: "This train terminates here." And late at night: "The last train has departed." What?! Leave them alone! No wonder transport costs are so high, if they're replacing the bloody trains every day. [Even the Nazis didn't kill the TRAINS at the end of the line!]. Anyway, the Hogwarts Express has much better announcements: "Please mind the Dumble-doors." So yeah, get down to King's Cross Platform 3 3/4 if you can.

Did you see the news that a convicted paedophile was used in a tourism advert to dress up as the Fat Controller? And no, it wasn't advertising Thomas the W**k engine. Last week, he tried it on with the kids on the Hogwarts Express. He got his comeuppance, though - Ron Weasley gave him genital warts. Ron didn't even use magic, neither. Don't know how he did it…

Thats pretty good RobO.

Nice strong start. Felt it went off track a bit with the second paragraph. I wasn't keen on the first Harry Potter line.

But next few paragraphs were excellent.

So where do we see you on stage then?

I quite liked it. Are you going to perform it?

Thanks Bigfella, Gavin.

Quote: bigfella @ February 8 2009, 9:44 PM GMT

Felt it went off track a bit with the second paragraph. I wasn't keen on the first Harry Potter line.

Yeah, 2nd paragraph was the main rambly bit I was worried about. I quite like the idea of the Natwest tune, but all the explaining does feel forced. Hmm maybe best to cut it.

Was unsure about how to start off the Harry Potter stuff. Need to think of a decent linking line. Could put on a stripy scarf and robes et al, but doesn't really appeal.

No plans to perform just yet, this is first attempt at writing material and just wanted to see if I could come up with something that had suitable humour. Admire those who get up and perform though.

Thanks for reading :)

Maybe you shouldn't do the Harry Potter stuff, but save it up in case of heckles? Just an idea. Forewarned and forearmed and all that.

I think it's excellent and very funny...except for the last lines on paedophilia, I can never find anything funny in that

Quote: Badge @ February 9 2009, 10:25 PM GMT

Maybe you shouldn't do the Harry Potter stuff, but save it up in case of heckles? Just an idea. Forewarned and forearmed and all that.

Cheers Badge.
I had thought the same about that. Hence why didn't use it as introductory piece - would rather not invite the heckles. Thought maybe if the first jokes could get an audience on side, they'd listen to the rest. Plus would like to use some of it. I just wonder whether it's best to wait for heckles or pre-empt and start the jokes on one's own terms?

Maybe could try introducing it without bringing myself into it.

Quote: bushbaby @ February 9 2009, 10:30 PM GMT

I think it's excellent and very funny...except for the last lines on paedophilia, I can never find anything funny in that

That's a fair point. Had a bit about the "Fat Controller" linking to Potter and Hogwarts, but then thought I could twist in a story I read last week. Prob best to steer clear of such topics as not going for shock humour. Thanks

Some very good lines but the drive-by (it hints at shooting) should it be something wizardy like a drive-by cursing?

Quote: SlagA @ February 10 2009, 11:14 AM GMT

Some very good lines but the drive-by (it hints at shooting) should it be something wizardy like a drive-by cursing?

Well that line was meant to show how "yoofs" might be "tamed" by being wizards. i.e. instead of doing drive-bys they'd stay in and do good wizardy things. Though I do like your idea, and on a rewrite may perhaps try and incorporate it if that's ok?

No one's thus far mentioned that some lines might go over those who haven't read/seen Harry Potter. Is it that it's well-known enough and works as a vehicle for other lines or just that people on here are simply well-read?

Hi Robo this was my favourite bit;

"there is another way" – yeah, why set up factories all the way out there when you can bring immigrants here to work in the same squalid conditions. Only colder. Terrible business… On the other hand, £2.00 for a jumper? Bargain! [Plus, at £3.50 an hour, they can afford their own clothes].

made me laugh out loud. Definitely keep this in.

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