British Comedy Guide

University sitcom

This is the beginning of a sitcom episode I wrote last year which I hope might develop into something worth submitting. I'll post a decent chunk here and have more if anyone would like to see it. I'd appreciate any comment (although I suppose the fact I've put it on critique sort of implies that).


A bleak wintry morning in a grim run-down inner city ex-polytechnic landscape. Dilapidated soviet-style concrete tenements and 1970's avant garde office-slums predominate. The sky is a sullen grey. It would rain if it could be bothered.

IAN WALKER trudges down the street. He is 40 or so but dressed rather younger, reasonably good looking in a down at heel kind of way. He has a slightly rumpled look and the slumped shoulders and shuffling gait of a defeated man.
Ian turns up his collar against the chill wind. He looks at his watch and momentarily quickens his pace, but the effort is clearly more than he is prepared to spend for the reward and he slows down after a few yards.


IAN turns a corner and is confronted by two youths in hoodies, they move towards him in unison, a silver object gleams in the hand of the nearest youth.


IAN'S dodges down a hitherto unnoticed passageway, quickening his pace but not daring to break into a run. Suddenly, two more youths appear at the end of the passageway, IAN dodges between them and breaks into a run as they turn to pursue him.


IAN hurries down the hallway past a sign "School of Media & Cultural Studies". The hallway has offices down either side, and is scruffy perfunctorily decorated with random movie posters, and not well lit. IAN, visibly relaxing, is about to enter his office. His hand on the handle, he glances over his shoulder to be sure he is safe. The corridor is empty. He turns back to be confronted by one of the hoodies holding up the silver object. It is a knife.

(WAVING THE KNIFE)Got the knife.

Oh God! (FUMBLES FOR HIS WALLET)...look, take it all just don't hurt me.

(PLUNGES KNIFE INTO IAN's CHEST)No. The panto knife, you know, from our project. I've got the knife and Jase has the beanstalk (gestures to another student struggling with a mass of foliage advancing down the corridor).

(RELAXING) Ah yes, and how was 'Reservoir Beanstalk'?

Well, you know, we considered it a genre re-defining post modern classic.

And the kiddies?

Difficult to say really what with all the screaming and crying when Mr Jack Pink cut up his Mum for squealing to the giant.

Well, the path of genius is always strewn with boulders of incomprehension. (GRABS THE BEANSTALK OFF THE OTHER STUDENT WHO HAS JUST ARRIVED). Thanks Jason,

IAN turns to go through the door. The door has 2 names on it: Nicola Harvey and Ian Walker. Someone has used marker pen to cross out the L in his name and replace it with an N. It does not seem to be new.


A scruffy and untidy office. Piles of paper are everywhere and a general air of confusion reins. The only unusual feature is a very large chair back obscuring a desk from view.

To one side NICKY, an attractive woman in her late-20s sits at her computer.

Morning mate. Nice foliage. You running the "Alan Titchmash: Master of the Televisual Universe" course again?

Ian tosses the foliage in the corner.

Nah. Just some debris from the Tarantino at the panto project. Besides, Titchmarsh has had his day. Nowadays Gordon Ramsey is where it's at. "Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares: Post-Brechtian Fables for the Modern Consumer". Good for a couple of terms worth, what do you reckon?

You are so full of shit. Someone's gonna spot you're taking the piss one day, then you'll be in trouble.

Yeah right. What you fail to notice is that nobody round here gives a damn any more, the place has gone rat shit. I mean, on the way in this morning I was stalked by a gang of hoodies.

They were probably just students.

Yeah...well...but that doesn't give them the right to terrorise members of staff.

(LOOKING AT THE SCREEN) Not been keeping up with your emails have you? According to the latest memo from the Dean, we now need the income from students so badly that (READS FROM SCREEN)"The University of Greater Goole recognises the rights of students to skip lectures, withhold coursework, refuse to sit examinations and abuse staff without prejudice to their marks"

Ah, but is that physical or just verbal abuse?

(SCROLLING DOWN) "Abuse includes legitimate use of mental, verbal and physical techniques including (but not limited to) Chinese burns, poking with sharp objects and selective application of ralgex."

Oh that's it, I need the Chair.

Ian walks wearily to the large chair and sits in it, totally obscured from view.

Do you actually think that no one knows you are sleeping in that chair?

No one, it's the perfect crime.

So your suspicion wasn't raised when you woke up to find your screen-saver changed to "I'm Dr Snoozy, I Shag Herons"?

(FROM BEHIND THE CHAIR BACK)A computer glitch I am reliably informed.

Or when your trainer laces had become mysteriously entangled with the blinds?

A common phenomenon related, I believe, to crop circles.

Or the tie stapled to desk incident?

Look sod off, I need a kip it's been a very stressful day. Already.

I suppose it's better than your old trick of lying down by the bookshelf and then pretending to be getting a book off the bottom shelf if anyone came in.

That worked really well until they oiled the hinge on the door.

Ah yes, the infamous Lecturer buckaroo game?

IAN is on the floor covered in books, coffee cups, a computer keyboard, and a student sat in a chair.


Still in the YouTube top 10 I believe.

KAREN, a prim, prissy and above all scary administrator appears in the doorway as if by magic (not good magic, definitely black magic).

Probably the only time we'll hear you associated with the term top 10 Mr. Walker.

Oh hello Karen, to what do we owe the pleasure of a visit from our Senior Administrator? (LOWERING HIS VOICE)Looking for the blood of virgin first years to bathe in?

KAREN is suddenly stood by IAN's desk smiling viciously.

If I wanted that I'd go to engineering - no, I'm here to see you Mr. Walker.

IAN jumps and tries to cover his embarrassment at being caught out.

(MUMBLING)It's Doctor Walker.

Don't look so worried. We haven't found any more of your famous cock-ups...yet.

(UNCONVINCINGLY) That would be because I haven't made any. More.

Okay, I thought I would offer something, no one else has, which is strange because you always offer a lot of feedback.

I'm no expert at the Sitcom art and not sure what I can offer to someone who I believe has something in the sitcom trials!

The first thing that leaps to mind is Lab rats but that's just because of the Uni Setting. So I'll try to get that out my mind.

I did find the first paragraph hard to read - just formatting, but may be why some others haven't commented.

I think the extract is a little short to offer any real opinion. But I found it easy to read, and found the concept of a QT panto quite funny. I also liked the foliage line. Be interesting to see how it develops. Happy for you to send me the rest.

One last point

When you write the below

KAREN, a prim, prissy and above all scary administrator appears in the doorway as if by magic (not good magic, definitely black magic).

Is it all really required?

I would have written

Karen, a prim, prissy and scary administrator appears.

As I say I'm no expert. Be interested to see what others say.

Christ - all that typing, I'm off for a kip. Where's that bottom shelf?

I threw a little paddy and deleted this post.

I really liked this, especially the "lecturer Buckaroo" line. It was possibly a bit bantery, and maybe we could get to the point when Karen arrives a bit sooner, especially as this seems to be the introduction of the main plot. I think her first line needs to be stronger, too. It sounds a bit clumsy, when she needs to be cutting.

Oh, and please sort out the formatting for the first few scenes. Chuck a blank line between the scenes, at least.

I'd definitely like to see more.

Quote: bigfella @ February 10 2009, 6:20 PM GMT

Okay, I thought I would offer something, no one else has, which is strange because you always offer a lot of feedback.

Thanks for that Bigfella. I was beginning to think I'd transgressed against some unknown forum law.

The first thing that leaps to mind is Lab rats but that's just because of the Uni Setting. So I'll try to get that out my mind.

Please do. I was really pissed off when that came out, I hope mine is less bad

I did find the first paragraph hard to read - just formatting, but may be why some others haven't commented.

Thanks. I have now fixed that. That may have been the rule I broke.

I think the extract is a little short to offer any real opinion. But I found it easy to read, and found the concept of a QT panto quite funny. I also liked the foliage line. Be interesting to see how it develops. Happy for you to send me the rest.

Thanks. I didn't want to overload and get no comments, but of course I still achieved this!

One last point

When you write the below

KAREN, a prim, prissy and above all scary administrator appears in the doorway as if by magic (not good magic, definitely black magic).

Is it all really required?

I would have written

Karen, a prim, prissy and scary administrator appears.

I was trying to be impressionistic. I see Karen as slightly spooky suddenly appearing etc.

As I say I'm no expert. Be interested to see what others say.

You're at least as well qualified as I am!

Sorry, all my replies are hidden in the quote. I am shit at this forum stuff.:S

Quote: WoodMeister @ February 10 2009, 6:25 PM GMT

Yep, this is good. I like it. Post more if possible!

Thanks Woodmeister, I'll put some more up tomorrow as I have to reformat it all when I import, hence the rubbish formating in the first few lines.

Quote: Graham Bandage @ February 10 2009, 6:42 PM GMT

I really liked this, especially the "lecturer Buckaroo" line. It was possibly a bit bantery, and maybe we could get to the point when Karen arrives a bit sooner, especially as this seems to be the introduction of the main plot. I think her first line needs to be stronger, too. It sounds a bit clumsy, when she needs to be cutting.

Oh, and please sort out the formatting for the first few scenes. Chuck a blank line between the scenes, at least.

I'd definitely like to see more.

Thanks Graham. Formatting now fixed...sorry.

I think you have a point Karen is meant to be the bete noir for Ian so she definitely needs to make a stronger impact. The banter was intended to show the matey relationship, but it may be overdone. I shall think on that.

It is funny. I like the character of Ian, he is recognisable of the type of inteligent slightly scheming yet slightly dozy people in charge of Uni courses. The begining of it works well as it does grab the attention of the reader. Maybe if anything you might consider if possible putting a bit more character into Ian straight away when he is confronted by the hoodies as I think it will increase the suspense if we know Ian a little rather than it just been a random guy.

Thanks Ronnie, I'll have a think about that, it certainly makes sense. Glad you liked it, I'll post more soon.

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