British Comedy Guide

Boyz Soul - Get It On!

I did write this as a script, with each member of the boy band singing their individual parts but it was messy, not much has changed but you judge for yourself;


You know, girl, we can talk, talk all night and talk all day.
Or we could just... Get it On.

I saw you in the classroom today.
I saw you the way you looked at me that way.
I saw you write and then pass a note.
I saw you saw me, sawing you, reading what you wrote. Yeah!

Come with me baby, after this class is done,
We'll go behind the bike sheds and just get it on!
After I've finished, I'll finish you,
Cos you're my baby and this love is true.

It's lunch time and I see you in the canteen,
You're buying chips, if you know what I mean,
The dinner lady, gives you your change,
You smile at her, she smiles back, nothing strange.

Come with me baby, after this class is done,
We'll go behind the bike sheds and just get it on!
After I've finished, I'll finish you,
Cos you're my baby and this love is true.

It's after school now and I'm going home,
I see you walking, walking alone,
I catch you up, I say hello,
I realise it's not you, make an excuse n go.

Finally, I see you, walking along,
I offer to carry your books, 'cos I'm strong,
We talk and talk, well you do the talking,
I'm stuck listening, carrying and walking.

Come with me baby, talking is wrong,
We'll go behind the bus stop and just get it on!
After I've finished, I'll finish you,
Cos you're my baby and this love is true.

No takers? No? Ok, then...

I like it but not sure what it achieves. there was a spoof boyband thing on YouTube et al last year. 'toyboize'. Ricky Gervais wrote a song for them, I think. Anyway, your song is not a bad example of a parody but I think as a subject it's been done to death. Save your undoubted talent for better targets, would be my patronising and unwanted advice.

Lol, thanks.

Lee, you used to be a GM Don't CAPS IT UP YO!!!

Song wasn't bad either...

Quote: Paul W @ February 10 2009, 4:17 PM GMT

Lee, you used to be a GM

Paul, he still is, genetically-modified, that is. :O

I saw this yesterday as I was logging off and was going to get back to it. I can never get enough Leevil in me diet. And I always seem to be harping on about you never posting a lot because you have an unusual angle to your sketches that you should exploit.

Nice song, Lee, and I think it'll be funnier if you can get it filmed with some visual gags in there too. It needs that visual element to lift it and maximise the comedy in the lyric. And it is very well underplayed in style.

Thank-you-so-much for the comments and the title.

Like I mentioned in the original post. I wrote this as a script/sketch. But thought it would make a better read just being the lyrics.

I like the song. Struck me as something Flight of the Conchords might do, especially second last verse. I like the title "Boyz Soul" too - but remember, you've got to pay the troll toll to get into this boy's soul!


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