Write gag/pun to this pic for Greeting Card No 25
After three months in hibernation Tommy's first "morning glory" was always something spectacular
Tim the tortoise had two problems; his bad eyesight and living at the back of the transgender surgery clinic.
He wasn't sure what it was for, but it made a nice pillow.
The penis enlargement really made Timmy come out of his shell.
Botticelli - The teenage mutant porno turtle.
Quote: Dolly Dagger @ February 8 2009, 8:59 AM GMTHe wasn't sure what it was for, but it made a nice pillow.

George couldn't walk, but why go out?!
The acorn George had found was hard, but it impressed the ladies.
This was yet another thing he had over the hare.
Tommy tortoise was sure looking forward to running into Fiona the wide mouthed frog.
Quote: Feather @ February 8 2009, 12:50 PM GMTTommy tortoise was sure looking forward to running into Fiona the wide mouthed frog.
When Murphy the turtle got the horn, EVERYONE knew about it...

What do you get when you cross a tortoise with a horse? A very happy tortoise.

The hare always came first.

Aesop's much fabled tortoise...
Quote: Dolly Dagger @ February 8 2009, 2:56 PM GMTToo much techno music gives cartoonist reptile porn thoughts.