HI all.
90% of the scripts that I receive fail on simple form, format and content issues. Many of these are fixable. Script editors can tell within ten pages if a script is going to work or not.
I am running the first HowNOTtowrite a sitcom workshop for £60 (discount for pair or block bookings) on Saturday March 7th 2009 10am- 4.30pm. Bond st W1 location.
It will be intensive. Concept, character relationships, scene and line by line breakdowns of scripts. Please bring an idea, a pitch (you will pitch) and up to ten pages of your sitcom. I want you to go away wih real clarity and purpose.
Sitcom is highly competative, but the rewards are huge. Two writers from this site sold to BBC and C4 and between them have made £12,000.
To book or for any further questions please contact me at marcgblake@hotmail.co.uk
Thanks Marc