Please read before posting, thx
Been intouch with 'em with an idea
That being using cartoon illustrations with gag lines for 118 as well (like those for the greeting cards)
I've had a prompt reply thanking me for the idea and that it's a 'maybe', however he said after looking at the three examples I sent that they would have to be much, much cleaner.
So my intentions are to do a few (more suitable) idea's, send 'em in and see where it goes.
They have NOT said yes to this just 'maybe', and I've not a clue what they would pay for a pic & pun but obviously I'd split it.
My thinking being is 'IF' they do say yes, then I'd imagine they could take on more than one caption/gag line for each pic, as they could send the same pic out each time with a different gag line... dunno!
K', Pic No01 is something basic, please keep in mind the 'much, much cleaner' as mentioned above.