Afternoon Comedy Nerds,
I'm fairly new to this website so it might be annoying for you to read a post such as this, especially on a comedy site, but I'm just posting in need of a pick me up really.
I'm usually a real happy person, but over the past few months things haven't been ideal. Perhaps minor problems to others, but important to me. Had a bit of bad luck on the dating front, this girl I really liked got back with her ex a couple of weeks back, I assume I was the rebound guy. Not wanting to bore you (if I haven't already), but I'd known her for about seven months and for five months of that I have really liked her and built up a picture in my own head of what it would be like to be with her. We dated briefly, but now it's gone, as quick as that. I've never felt more single in my life, it's not nice at the moment.
I also left my job yesterday, through choice as I was finding it miserable being there, so today I just feel weird as I'm not used to feeling unhappy. I guess I just needed to write my feelings down and begin getting things off my chest.
I'm sorry to change the tone on a Friday afternoon, especially as most of you have never spoken to me. Thanks for reading.