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Quote: sootyj @ January 28 2009, 2:08 PM GMT

Where does that come from?

Nick Berry. He was a very prophetic man. :)

I meant your snide remark.

Quote: sootyj @ January 28 2009, 2:47 PM GMT

I meant your snide remark.

It was a case of pick a BSG name, any name will do, no malice was intended.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 28 2009, 1:51 PM GMT

Hmm, so the first six months worked for you, hey . . ?

I was out of the country at the time.

Quote: Gavin @ January 28 2009, 2:51 PM GMT

I was out of the country at the time.

Unimpressed Hmmm . . .

Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 28 2009, 2:53 PM GMT

Unimpressed Hmmm . . .

Darn. My cover is blown.

I am Nick Berry!

Thank you very, very much to everyone who passed messages onto Elliot for me about tomorrow. Hug I appreciate it maaajorly and am in floods of tears from being silly surprised. :$

Did you like mine?

It was the only one that didn't show up! Smelly is trying to fix it and show me, I think.

Oh no. But it's amaaaaaaazing. :)

I'm bugging him, don't worry. :P

Thankyou awfully everyone! You're all amaaaaaze. :D

Laughing out loud It is uberepic, Ellie!

Elliot... did it work when you got it? Have you seen it?

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ January 28 2009, 3:21 PM GMT

Laughing out loud It is uberepic, Ellie!

Yey! :)

I neeeed the mug Julia drew me, too! Laughing out loud I would also like to ask Nil why there is a hammerhead in a suit, or if I'm just being stupid? :$

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