Wednesday 28th January 2009 1:19am
11,156 posts
No one wants diabetes but type 2 is a hell of a lot better than type 1 because as long as you eat right and exercise, you can keep good control over it.
Quote: roscoff @ January 27 2009, 7:16 PM GMT
As soon as you try and justify education economically then you're on a loser straight away. Whether it be student loans or budget capping schools. Throwing money at education actually works.
We had a great system in Newport where the oiks were put into small schools and removed from ordinary classes. Better for teacher better for student. Stopped because too expensive. Everybody suffers.
Education is going to hell in a hand cart because of such things as inclusion. That's right inclusion. It means you have to put up with the c**ts instead of sending them off to somewhere where they are away from the decent kids. Governments are wankers. All of them.
When I went to college we had a grant based on the economic status of your parents. Not perfect but designed to try and give everyone an equal chance. Fairer than today. Me thinks so. End of rant 
The loan system really doesn't help out those from low income families, it actually makes it worse. Trust me.