And THAT, son, is how clouds are made
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Tribal Chief Browncloud taught me that. It means turtlehead approaching.
Little Jimmy realised he was going to be the envy of class 'show and tell'
Fancy a bite of my air biscuit lad.
Grandad: And every time I take the walking stick out this is what happens.
Kid: Ah, so that's why it's brown.
Remember that son - 'loose morals=loose bowels'
Grandpa regretted the time he had spent as a rent boy and effect on his sphincter muscle.
Quote: Nil Putters @ January 19 2009, 10:47 PM GMT
Grandpa regretted the time he had spent as a rent boy and effect on his sphincter muscle.
Worms send pointy clouds in retaliatory strike.
Got a light, son?
Have you used the butt plug I got you for Christmas yet Grandpa?
In my day, little boys used to collect farts in jam jars and sold them off for chicken lips...
KID: I didn't realise sperm travelled at such speed Grandad.
GRANDAD: Amazing isn't it, that's our biology practical over for today and best not to tell your dad.
And that's called a cumulus. Now look out cause these stratus I'm about to show you can go a bit, er, awry.
Quote: random @ January 19 2009, 8:24 PM GMT
For those that wish to, Pic No 11.
('cos of evening posting, shall leave up 'till tuesday afternoon)
Quick lad, pull my fi...Oh bugger.
Young Jimmy took another deep breath, convinced Granddad's raspberry was one of his 5-a-day.
The sun might not shine out of your arse, Grandpa, but the wind certainly blows from it
Quote: random @ January 19 2009, 8:24 PM GMT
For those that wish to, Pic No 11.
('cos of evening posting, shall leave up 'till tuesday afternoon)
Grandad re-counted the story of why he was thrown out of the day centre.