So who likes anti jokes?
Anti jokes being the humour where the jokes is either deliberately obvious or unfunny, with the aim being it's alieness or other worldliness encourages humour.
Andy Kaufman and early Vic and Bob made careers out of this style of dadaist humour. As any one who's read my sorrowful attempts in critique will havfe noticed I love antijokes. The weirdness, the wrongness, the pulling humour from the strangest places. Or maybe I'm just not very funny, who knows?
So come on antijoke fans, let's hear your favourites or ones you invented. And if you don't like 'em tell us why.
Sootyj's 2 current favorit antijokes he invented.
1 DR Mr SMith you have AIDS.
MR SMITH What does this mean?
DR I won't f**k you.
2 My dogs got no nose, I cut it's head off I was depressed.