British Comedy Guide

It's a Joke

Here's a sketch I've been waiting to see edited for a while now. Check it out. If you give one fraction of a toss.

Very nice. The wrong punchline and the swans made me laugh out loud.

Nice one.


Nice. Good idea well executed.

Big lol there Mr B. Especially the "Sshhhh" bits. Just needs a tweak in the edit and it's a winner. Shame you couldn't have done some green screen work and had you scaling mountains etc. Bit more location work would've been nice - the wackier the better I think. The swans were good but it would've been great if you'd jumped to a jungle (B&Q garden centre?) then crawling on your hands and knees, parched along a desert (beach?) A pain in the arse to film I know but would've been worth it.

But still, made me lol several times. And it looks really pro too.

Nicely done Mr B

Quote: Ben @ January 17 2009, 10:48 AM GMT

Very nice. The wrong punchline and the swans made me laugh out loud.

Cheers, bud face.

Quote: ShoePie @ January 17 2009, 12:00 PM GMT

Nice one.


Cheers. And thanks for the new URL, I'll update the link.

Quote: Lee Henman @ January 17 2009, 12:19 PM GMT

Big lol there Mr B. Especially the "Sshhhh" bits. Just needs a tweak in the edit and it's a winner. Shame you couldn't have done some green screen work and had you scaling mountains etc. Bit more location work would've been nice - the wackier the better I think. The swans were good but it would've been great if you'd jumped to a jungle (B&Q garden centre?) then crawling on your hands and knees, parched along a desert (beach?) A pain in the arse to film I know but would've been worth it.

But still, made me lol several times. And it looks really pro too.

Yeah, I would like to have done some more locations but the Comedy Box budget doesn't stretch far. I had to fight just to get the wizard's staff. It was all shot in a couple of hours too. Might green screen in some new shots in the future. I'll have to let my hair grow back first though.

Quote: Wildjesusfishkid @ January 17 2009, 12:23 PM GMT

Nicely done Mr B

Thanks, chum bag.

I can't hear it because my sound doesn't work ( though obviously I've read it so I know what's going on) but it looked great and it still made me laugh. Specifically the 'shh' finger on lips moments, when you exit the pub, staff in hand, and when you think you've got the answer. Like Lee said, it would have been even better if, like in the original sketch, you could have cut to a few green screened shots of you climbing a mountain, or whatever. But very good anyway, and that hair is a thing of mighty beauty.

Very pretty good

Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 17 2009, 12:59 PM GMT

I can't hear it because my sound doesn't work ( though obviously I've read it so I know what's going on) but it looked great and it still made me laugh. Specifically the 'shh' finger on lips moments, when you exit the pub, staff in hand, and when you think you've got the answer. Like Lee said, it would have been even better if, like in the original sketch, you could have cut to a few green screened shots of you climbing a mountain, or whatever. But very good anyway, and that hair is a thing of mighty beauty.

Glad to hear it cut your mustard.

Quote: Nigel Kelly @ January 17 2009, 1:33 PM GMT

Very pretty good

Ta, sugar tits.

Very nice. Agree about the "shhh" moments and perfect scene exiting the pub. Also liked the bit with the tree where there was a squirrel along the trunk :D

I liked it alot, very simple idea done slickly so it works beautifully.

Where did you get that fabulous staff?
N.B. can the next one feature a LOTR style Balrog duel on a small bridge near a boating lake?

Liked it. :) The music, the staff, the dramatic shots; like Sooty says, simple idea, brilliantly done.

Quote: sootyj @ January 17 2009, 4:22 PM GMT

Where did you get that fabulous staff?
N.B. can the next one feature a LOTR style Balrog duel on a small bridge near a boating lake?

With a staff like that it has to be done! Perhaps to geese/pigeons on the bridge. Or on crazy golf course bridge. Or a multitude of other ways

Nice one fellas!

I stumbled across this there too, I found the guy really funny.

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