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DaButt's post nearly made my head explode.

Why, because he shattered you view of Barack Obama as some kind of angelic figure, sent to save us from ourselves?

The big black/white c**t.

He is a lovely shade of beige.

I am a pinky cream.

Oooh, I wanna go to B&Q and find out what my colour is called on the paint charts...

Quote: Aaron @ January 16 2009, 4:07 PM GMT

Why, because he shattered you view of Barack Obama as some kind of angelic figure, sent to save us from ourselves?

The big black/white c**t.

No, the one about Israel being jolly nice and the pictures we are seeing of mutilated Palestinian children being dragged from destroyed buildings being obviously faked or something seeing as they should've got a text.
And the statistic saying something like 6 Israeli troops have been killed compared to 100s of Palestinian men women and children.

But I'm stopping here because I will get seriously f**king angry if I get drawn into an argument and I WILL lose it. Angry

And I never doubted Obama was a c**t :)


I didn't mean lose the argument :$

Quote: Moonstone @ January 16 2009, 4:22 PM GMT

And I never doubted Obama was a c**t :)

At least give him a chance to f**k things up first; he might do Ok. Might not.

Quote: zooo @ January 16 2009, 4:19 PM GMT

Oooh, I wanna go to B&Q and find out what my colour is called on the paint charts...


Quote: Moonstone @ January 16 2009, 4:22 PM GMT

And I never doubted Obama was a c**t :)


Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 16 2009, 4:23 PM GMT

At least give him a chance to f**k things up first; he might do Ok. Might not.

I have psychic powers on this matter! I'm so confident I'm going to put a tenner on Obama turning out to be a proper c**t.

Quote: Moonstone @ January 16 2009, 4:22 PM GMT

No, the one about Israel being jolly nice and the pictures we are seeing of mutilated Palestinian children being dragged from destroyed buildings being obviously faked or something seeing as they should've got a text.
And the statistic saying something like 6 Israeli troops have been killed compared to 100s of Palestinian men women and children.

But I'm stopping here because I will get seriously f**king angry if I get drawn into an argument and I WILL lose it. Angry

Certainly not trying to start an argument and I'm neither Israeli, Jewish, Palestinian nor Muslim, so I have no stake in doing so. But there are some facts that are irrefutable and, when taken as a whole, I've arrived at the conclusion that Hamas is the "bad guy" and the Israelis are the "good guys."


The Hamas charter calls for the destruction of Israel.

Hamas fires rockets at Israel on a daily basis and frequently attempts armed attacks and incursions - all against civilian targets.

Hamas and other Palestinian groups purposely plan and execute terror attacks on civilians.

The parents of aforementioned suicide attackers proudly cheer the deaths of their children while the community honors them with banners and signs. "We love death" etc, etc.

Hamas purposely locates its fighters, weapons and equipment in civilian areas and buildings.


Israel returned Gaza and left it to the Palestinians several years ago in an attempt to bring about peace.

Israel steers its missiles away from targeted vehicles if the pilot sees that it is approaching civilians. There are videos of this on YouTube.

Israel warned civilians to leave before attacking Gaza.

All in all, civilian deaths and suffering will always be a part of any war, so all you can do is look at the intentions of each side. Hamas proudly attacks Israeli citizens, while Israel makes every attempt to avoid injuring civilians. Therefore I have to give them the moral edge in this fight.

Hopefully the Palestinian people will one day elect a government that realizes that peace is preferable to endless warfare.

Quote: DaButt @ January 16 2009, 4:47 PM GMT

Certainly not trying to start an argument and I'm neither Israeli, Jewish, Palestinian nor Muslim, so I have no stake in doing so. But there are some facts that are irrefutable and, when taken as a whole, I've arrived at the conclusion that Hamas is the "bad guy" and the Israelis are the "good guys."


The Hamas charter calls for the destruction of Israel.

Hamas fires rockets at Israel on a daily basis and frequently attempts armed attacks and incursions - all against civilian targets.

Hamas and other Palestinian groups purposely plan and execute terror attacks on civilians.

The parents of aforementioned suicide attackers proudly cheer the deaths of their children while the community honors them with banners and signs. "We love death" etc, etc.

Hamas purposely locates its fighters, weapons and equipment in civilian areas and buildings.


Israel returned Gaza and left it to the Palestinians several years ago in an attempt to bring about peace.

Israel steers its missiles away from targeted vehicles if the pilot sees that it is approaching civilians. There are videos of this on YouTube.

Israel warned civilians to leave before attacking Gaza.

All in all, civilian deaths and suffering will always be a part of any war, so all you can do is look at the intentions of each side. Hamas proudly attacks Israeli citizens, while Israel makes every attempt to avoid injuring civilians. Therefore I have to give them the moral edge in this fight.

Hopefully the Palestinian people will one day elect a government that realizes that peace is preferable to endless warfare.

Well, I AM Jewish, and my opinion should really swing towards my own people but the fact that it (strongly) doesn't shows that I see a very very different 'truth' to the one you do.
I will leave it here DaButt and respect that you have and are of course entitled to your own opinion. I feel so strongly about what is going on if I get embroiled in a debate on the subject I know I'll end up getting stupidly angry and make myself look even more twattish than usual :P

But you're so so so wrong!

Go on then Ian, enlighten us. ;)

I am undecided. At present I'm verging to be pro-Israel theoretically, but with definite objections to how they're conducting this 'war' in practice.

Quote: Aaron @ January 16 2009, 5:40 PM GMT

Go on then Ian, enlighten us. ;)

I am undecided. At present I'm verging to be pro-Israel theoretically, but with definite objections to how they're conducting this 'war' in practice.

:) Unimpressed

You bugger you, poking me with your big stick!
Wait till Sooty gets here, he'll make you fully pro-Israel cos he's a closet zionist!

For me, I shall remain quiet, even though I can't tell you how much I'm aching to rant :)

Quote: Moonstone @ January 16 2009, 5:46 PM GMT

For me, I shall remain quiet, even though I can't tell you how much I'm aching to rant

That's what the Internet was built for! Well, that, global thermonuclear war and porn distribution ...

Quote: DaButt @ January 16 2009, 5:57 PM GMT

and porn distribution ...


Really?? Then this 'internet' clearly needs shutting down!

Hmmm not clear cut for me this one. Historically Israel have been in the wrong for a long long time. However if you keep looking to past injustices then there's never room to put things right for the future. Forgive and let live so to speak. However Hamas has not done itself any favours by the snapping at Israeli heels behaviour of rocket attacks into Israel. Israel is not a country to sit back and wait for a UN charter/directive it will always handle the situation itself. Hamas knew that but still persisted. What happened next was all too predictable.

Historically Israel loses

Present I'm afraid to say Hamas seems to have provoked the situation knowing what the outcome would be. You can't poke a lion and expect it to just keep moving away.

Amuse me, damn you all!
Sooooo quiet.

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