And the winner of the raffle is.....
Write a gag/pun to this pic for Greeting Card No 5 Page 3
Tiny little bugger! Almost went down the drain!
The vicarage lacks all modern facilities you know
Help! A dimensional rift has opened up and I'm being pulled under!
It'll be warmer this way.
I have to wash up the Chalice somewhere you know.

VICAR: Shall we gather at the river.
MAN: The hymn?
VICAR: No, it's where the outflow pipe is.
Sorry, but mister Thorn was very insistent, and you can have other children.
"The Final Conflict" fans will know what I mean.
VICAR: "I knew it was a mistake getting a waste-disposal unit fitted."
Well Mr Chris Martin, I'm still bobbing for Apple...she's in here somewhere...
Ohh she's fine...yep, all dandy...sleeping like an angel you could say
Urrr how long have you been standing there?
I keep telling ya, thickies, throw your condoms in the trash! Sheesh!
Right, how good are you at mouth-to-mouth? I would do it myself but we've had some bad press recently...
I tell you, this is the last time I let David Copperfield design my church features...
It's lot deeper than you think - you wouldn't believe it would take quads would you

Local curate Reginal Farthing, an amateur scriptwriter, takes the advice of Robert McKee a tad too literally.