Along with the idea of starting up my single cartoons (which I believe I'll actually start requesting ideas from those who wish to in February (middle of) I've also decided to try my hand at greeting cards.
I'm currently working on some ideas of my own both gag & artwork.
However, I thought what about upload a cartoon pic of mine on here, anyone who wishes to try their hand at a funny caption underneath (as done on the original cartoon post & suggested by another) may do so. The one most funny (or maybe the best 3) I would include with my work to greeting card companies.
If it works out ok I'll probably just upload the pic and run it for 24 or 48hours, then remove, what do you think?
If it gets used, the gag/punch line writer gets the writing payment (around the £150 mark) and I get the illustration payment.
Everyone's a winner!
As ever, just an idea, interested to have your thoughts on this?
Any questions please ask?
Otherwise, have a go if you wish. I've uploaded a wee pic below just to test the water!