Quote: chipolata @ January 8 2009, 4:17 PM GMTIs Martin Freeman any good as an actor? I haven't decided yet.
He's good at doing that Martin Freeman face. Better than people who aren't Martin Freeman anyway.
Quote: chipolata @ January 8 2009, 4:17 PM GMTIs Martin Freeman any good as an actor? I haven't decided yet.
He's good at doing that Martin Freeman face. Better than people who aren't Martin Freeman anyway.
It's like 1066...
Quote: Griff @ January 8 2009, 4:21 PM GMTIsn't Sacha Baron-Cohen doing a Sherlock Holmes movie as well?
There's supposed to be an Apatow movie in the works, yeah, with Cohen as Holmes and Will Ferrell as Watson.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 8 2009, 4:13 PM GMTThere's also a Moffatt/Gatiss Holmes series coming this year to the BBC, isn't there? With Martin Freeman as Watson.
I won't even ask you if you're kidding because as soon as I read it I can picture some BBC brain doner commissioning it. I'm not a betting man, but this has the form to be one of the biggest literary f**k-ups of all time. I loved Gatiss in LOG, but the guy has no idea of his limits. Holmes wouldn't be within his reach if he stood on the back of 20,000 homosexuals. I like Martin Freeman too - he made Ricky Gervais a very rich man - but he's not Watson. Why don't the people who make these shows actually read the original texts! Moffat's 'Jekyl' was also unintentionally hilarious - and once again, I love Jimmy Nesbitt.
There's only one Watson.
Quote: chipolata @ January 8 2009, 3:41 PM GMTGuy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes
Oh, say it ain't so!
Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 8 2009, 4:28 PM GMTWill Ferrell as Watson.
Good. God.
Downey Jnr is Holmes in Richie's version.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 8 2009, 4:13 PM GMTI'm quite looking forward to the new Holmes move; Downey Jr as Sherlock?
Quote: Nil Putters @ January 8 2009, 5:20 PM GMTDowney Jnr is Holmes in Richie's version.
Ha! I see what you're trying to do there...but I'm not entirely convinced.
He'd have to be naked bloody brilliant for me to accept it.
Given that it's Ritchie, I wouldn't be suprised.
Gary Lineker's girlfriend.
Quote: Aaron @ January 13 2009, 1:56 PM GMTBlimey.
I know what you mean; Gary's looking super buff in that picture.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 13 2009, 1:58 PM GMTI know what you mean; Gary's looking super buff in that picture.
That's actually was what I was looking at.
Yeh, right. You can't take back that 'blimey' now!
Is Gary Lineker rich then?