British Comedy Guide

Kidding Mr. Windsor Song

So here's my first song for the new year, on the Harry story.
Reckon it's ok to shove in more verses? Have some other lines would like to use but the structure seems quite rigid.



Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Windsor
Saying you're everyone's chum?
The News of The World have exposed your silly games
Liking to call ethnic mi-no-ri-ties names
'Cause who do you think you are kidding Mr. Windsor
Saying it's light-hearted fun?

Mr. "Brown" goes off to town
On the eight twenty-one
And he will view your comments
With rightful in-dig-na-tion

So who do you think you are kidding Mr. Windsor
Saying it's light-hearted fun?

So watch out Harry Windsor
Don't you make another slip
Another racist comment
And you'll be worse than Prince Phillip
And who do you think you are kidding Mr. Windsor
Pretending that you're not a Hun?

Delightful, good match, nice punchline and simple, also funny.

In any fair world you'll see that on the stage.

I have to say that's one of the best songs I have read.

Good Job.

Yes I agree very good song but IMO just a few very minor scanning glitches

Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Windsor
Saying you're everyone's chum

I'd add a "that" after "saying" It's the same as the original and makes the performance easier for the singer. Also gets over the need to elongate saying

I think there should be a word after minoroties - cheap or rude maybe?

Otherwise it's bang on and would be picked up I think by NR & Treason if you send it in.

Thanks for the comments guys

Quote: Blenkinsop @ January 11 2009, 1:11 PM GMT

Yes I agree very good song but IMO just a few very minor scanning glitches

Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Windsor
Saying you're everyone's chum

I'd add a "that" after "saying" It's the same as the original and makes the performance easier for the singer. Also gets over the need to elongate saying

Hmm, not sure. The original lyrics as I've found are:
"Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler
If you think we're on the run".

Which is 7 syllables same as I've used. Also to my mind the emphasis would then fall on the "that" and think I prefer it on the "you're" - on mine the prominent syllables fall of the "...ry", "ones", and "chum".

Though do feel this wasn't perhaps the best line of the song, so maybe should have another look.

Quote: Blenkinsop @ January 11 2009, 1:11 PM GMT

I think there should be a word after minoroties - cheap or rude maybe?

Same reason with this one:
Original: "We are the boys who will make you think again" (11 syllables). Can see "rude" working, but dunno if this would cramp it - quite liked the current rhythm on minorities.

Thanks though, will have a look at improving

OK, how about:

"...Calling those eth-nic mi-no-ri-ties rude names"?

Very good match and funny.


OK, slight change to the first verse? Better? Or two lines including "names" bad?

Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Windsor
If you think name-calling's fun? (or: if you think abuse is fun)
The News of The World have exposed your silly games
Calling ethnic mi-no-ri-ties rude names
'Cause who do you think you are kidding Mr. Windsor
Saying it's light-hearted fun?

Hi Rob

You may well be correct here' It's just that when I sang it to the tune that I remember I had trouble scanning it properly - but then again Pavarotti's not my middle name.:)

Good song though.


Just saw your edit and I think I was fine tooth combing something that needs little or none in the first place.

But the new - saying...chum - line to me scans a lot more faithfully to the original.

very good indded!

Cheers Lee.

Had this other verse too:

Who do you think you are kidding Mr. Windsor
Verbal abuse ain't the norm
I am quite sure that your men don't want to be lead
By a gin-ger who calls some of them "Raghead"
So who do you think you are kidding Mr. Windsor
You had that German uniform

Nothing insightful to add, just to say this is very very good.

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