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Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ January 9 2009, 12:32 PM GMT

Just a random topic not worth a thread but a mention.

Has anyone seen the big ginger girl who used to be in Hollyoaks in the papers? She is now slim and she doesn't look like the same person!

Here she is. 11 stone she lost! :O


I remember her on some show, when she was still fat, saying how happy she was being that weight and she didn't want to lose weight. Liar!

Aw. I'm sure some people are happy to be fat, but I bet a lot feel they have to pretend to be. Not many people want others to assume they hate themselves.

*raises hand*

Quote: zooo @ January 9 2009, 2:54 PM GMT

Aw. I'm sure some people are happy to be fat, but I bet a lot feel they have to pretend to be. Not many people want others to assume they hate themselves.

It's a tricky one. Sometimes I can feel completely secure with my weight (I'm overweight for those of you who have not had the pleasure of me nodding awkwardly at you in a bar in Greenwich) and other times it gets to me. Happily I have to say that I normally feel secure about it, or I forget that it's something that singles me out.

It's a weird thing, in an environment where people will mock you for just about anything I still find that people tend to steer clear of jokes about my size. It's one of the great taboos, don't mention it or I'll get terribly upset or something. Frankly I don't think many people would care too much about weight if the media didn't focus on it so much. Congratulations to anyone who does lose weight, it's a health concern so you can only be doing yourself good, but if you don't lose it or you gain it or whatever it's not the end of the world.

Some people reading this will assume that I'm in complete denial, I think it's easy to assume that overweight people are kidding themselves. But everyone has some facets of their personality or their appearance that they don't like, but we all still get by (just about.)

I'm not really sure what, if anything, I was trying to say there. :S

Unless you were wearing a girdle on the day, you're not fat.

Quote: Aaron @ January 9 2009, 4:38 PM GMT

Unless you were wearing a girdle on the day, you're not fat.

It was Saturday, so it was definitely girdle day. Cool

I never know how to respond to this, I'm quite sure I'm overweight. I guess it's perception. *shrugs*

Have you been told you're overweight by a doctor?

Quote: Aaron @ January 9 2009, 4:45 PM GMT

Have you been told you're overweight by a doctor?

And he only went in because of a headache.


Actually, that's more or less what happened with me. :/

I had a "play" on the Wii Fit the other day to find I'm the only one in my family not clinically obese. Fun Christmas day that was.

Oh dear. :S

Did it show up you had an abnormally big head feasting on your increasing ego? :P

I don't see how either Elliot or Aaron could be classed as overweight by anyone.

Quote: EllieJP @ January 9 2009, 4:56 PM GMT

Oh dear. :S

Did it show up you had an abnormally big head feasting on your increasing ego? :P

Nice edit.

Thankfully the Wii Fit doesn't measure ego otherwise it would have exploded from my awesome snowboarding skills.

Quote: PhQnix @ January 9 2009, 4:36 PM GMT

Some people reading this will assume know that I'm in complete denial

Yep! :) Hug

Quote: zooo @ January 9 2009, 4:59 PM GMT

I don't see how either Elliot or Aaron could be classed as overweight by anyone.

Me either.

Quote: zooo @ January 9 2009, 4:59 PM GMT

I don't see how either Elliot or Aaron could be classed as overweight by anyone.

You didn't know me 5 years ago.

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