I went to the dentist today for a checkup. No cavities, never ever had a cavity. My teeth are white and look fine.
HOWEVER, the dental assistants had teeth I thought were to escort in airplanes in the dark of night. They were too white.
Also, the dental ass. who took me to the room asked me where I tan?
I said, tan?
She said.......... yes where do you go to tan.
I said............ I was born this way.
She said............. did your mom eat lots of carrots when she was pregnant?
I said........... eh?
I wondered why all the dental worker chics looked so darked skinned and now I think they do this thing called "go to tan"
My question is why do some white chics want to be dark skinned? Do they not like being white?
and why do they have teeth sooooooo white I need UV glasses to look at them?
Do they have over white teeth to make up for the over tan skin?
What is this all about?