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"Sitcom Saturday" Westminster Reference Library


Call for bite-size sitcoms!

Email scripts to by Friday January 16th
See the Facebook page @ If you submit or not, hope you'll be there on Saturday, January 31! :D

1 We're looking for six fifteen-minute sitcoms for "Sitcom Saturday", a rehearsed reading, open to the public, on Saturday, January 31 2009 at Westminster Reference Library off Leicester Square, London.

2 The sitcom should be funny (!!!), previously unperformed, last no more than fifteen minutes and the writer's own work and copyright. "Previously unperformed" can include new versions of previously performed sitcoms as long as they have been significantly changed since the performance

3 Please make sure it is a sitcom. Have a look at and for a definition of situation comedy eg memorable characters, a plot with inciting incident, funny character-driven dialogue and resolution. The audience should want to follow the characters in future episodes.

4 Every character (actor) should have a substantial role (no bit parts, extras, walk on/walk off characters please) and keep the number of characters to a realistic figure. Treat the sitcom as the complete first episode of a sitcom lasting no more than 15 minutes (as a rough rule of thumb, no more than 15-17 pages using standard sitcom format).

5 Remember, stage directions will be read out so keep them pithy and clear!

6 Scripts should be attached to an email and emailed to Please make sure you put your name and contact details clearly in the email and on the script. Your script should be in a popular software format, eg Microsoft Word, pdf, rtf, which can be easily opened.

7 Scripts should be clearly typed in 12 point font, double line spacing for dialogue with every page numbered. Put a character list and scene locations on first page. Please also make a difference between STAGE DIRECTIONS, CHARACTER NAMES and dialogue (eg put stage directions and character names in upper case and dialogue in lower case).

8 You can download free software for script formatting at or , although it's not essential to use them. Just keep your script readable – and 15 minutes long.

9 The writer should be available to liaise with director and actors in London and be present at Westminster Reference Library on Saturday, January 31st to see his or her sitcom performed and receive feedback.

Closing date for scripts: Friday, January 16 2009


Sounds fun, maybe Micheal Winner will be there?

I certainly am, a chance to stick it to those snooty Westminster bastards.

And yourself Griff?

Quote: Griff @ December 31 2008, 8:37 AM GMT

Well having checked the terms and conditions - it says "unperformed" sitcoms - my sitcom for this year's Trials will just about count as the Trials aren't till Feb, so I will send that in. (As long as the Trials guys are happy, better check first, I guess.)

Oh, just write another one. It's only fifteen minutes. Piece of cake.

Quote: Griff @ December 31 2008, 8:03 AM GMT

Cheers for this Goldnutmeg! Are you submitting?


I'm helping organize ... and you've just revealed you'll be throwing together a few sketches and hope it won't be noticed ... ;)

It's essentially a fun one-off rehearsed reading rather than a competition, tho' of course scripts have to be chosen. It's great that you've reached the finals of Every1sacritic and I'm looking forward to it - but this is an opportunity for sitcoms not selected for that, as well as totally new sitcoms. So by all means, have a go with another sitcom of yours!

And BTW Happy New Year! :D

Sounds ideal for me, seeing as I seem to be able to only write 15 pages into a sitcom, before I get bored or stuck.

Wouldn't be able to make it to London though :( So "I'm out".

Quote: Griff @ January 1 2009, 6:25 PM GMT

Uh-oh! Totally busted.

Ah OK, if Trials resubs aren't really what you're looking for, I probably won't have time to write anythink else. Glad I found out now! Good luck with the event anyway, hope it goes well.

Thanx! Of course if the sketches are held seamlessly together by good characters with a good plot, it wouldn't be ruled out ... ;)

And to you! See you at NewsRevue sometime in 09 hopefully. Meant to PM you ages ago, but might as well ask now - what was that "topical" theatre group you had your play on with last year?

First Draft Theatre ... went really well with a great director and wonderful actors. They are having other plays on in January at Barons Court, if you want to go along.

Quote: Leevil @ January 1 2009, 6:19 PM GMT

Sounds ideal for me, seeing as I seem to be able to only write 15 pages into a sitcom, before I get bored or stuck.

Wouldn't be able to make it to London though :( So "I'm out".

Sorry about that Leevil - unfortunately this is one of those damn London centric things which I probably would have cursed when I lived elsewhere! :O

As the stage directions are read out does this mean there's no restrictions on location, setting, costume, etc?

Quote: sootyj @ December 31 2008, 8:33 AM GMT

I certainly am, a chance to stick it to those snooty Westminster bastards.

Sounds as if we've got something to look forward to :D

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ January 2 2009, 1:17 PM GMT

As the stage directions are read out does this mean there's no restrictions on location, setting, costume, etc?

Hi Dolly :),

I guess so. Just keep the stage directions clear and easily assimilated by the audience. Lengthy complicated stage directions in rehearsed readings lose the audience. And if it were going towards, say, TV production remember the kind of budgets involved. Or, a more likely way of entry, think of it as a radio production in which everything would have to be conveyed through the lines and sound effects. Hope this is clear!

Quote: Goldnutmeg @ January 2 2009, 1:34 PM GMT

Hi Dolly :),

I guess so. Just keep the stage directions clear and easily assimilated by the audience. Lengthy complicated stage directions in rehearsed readings lose the audience. And if it were going towards, say, TV production remember the kind of budgets involved. Or, a more likely way of entry, think of it as a radio production in which everything would have to be conveyed through the lines and sound effects. Hope this is clear!

Thanks. Funnily enough I was thinking of sending in something I had written for radio.

Hi everyone,

Just an update to the Terms and Conditions:

"Previously unperformed" can include new versions of previously performed sitcoms as long as they have been significantly changed since the performance.

Can I just please emphasize all entries should stick to the length of 15 minutes. As a rough rule of thumb 15-17 pages with top and bottom margins of 2.54 cm and side margins of 3.17 cm and standard sitcom stage direction and dialogue format.

At the very least, please read the sitcom out loud to yourself at normal speed and time it.

We have to fit in six sitcoms plus time for feedback, so please stick to this!

Well, that's all folks for the time being! :)

Hi Everyone,

Just to say things are moving on apace - some great directors on board and a casting co-ordinator. The plan is also to give all sitcom script submittees (is that the right word? ;) ) at least a couple of lines of constructive feedback, whether or not their scripts are selected. Scripts will be considered for performance by a group of theatre professionals. Closing date Friday January 16th.

Also hope people will want to come along on Saturday, January 31st. :) See our Facebook page on

We're also looking for someone who is willing to design a leaflet and a poster for us - no money, all us are doing this for free, but he or she will be fully acknowledged on the leaflet and poster and publicly thanked at the event so it could be a great advert for someone's work. Contact with the subject heading DESIGNER

Hi there :)

Yes it's me again, pushing up a thread ... ;) ... Friday 16th January is the last date for submissions for our rehearsed readings at Westminster Reference Library just off Leicester Square.

And/or please join us on Saturday 31st January 5 - 8 pm! Sign up on our Facebook page or email or ring 020 7641 5252.

And it's all FREE ... Geek

Hi Everyone! Wave

Well, it's finally almost here ...

Sitcom Saturday at Westminster Reference Library - and it's FREE!

Saturday January 31 2009

5pm to 8pm 35 St Martin's Street, London WC2H 7HP
map @

Put a Smile on Your Face This Winter! :) :)

Why stay in and be a couch potato? Make us your interactive living room!

Watch six brand new sitcoms in bite-size directed rehearsed readings! From the traditional to the surreal, a sitcom for every taste!

All acted out live by talented actors! Have a laugh, give us your feedback - and we might even give you refreshments!

To reserve your place (please do this so we know the number of people coming) phone Ros on 020 7641 5252 or email or sign up on our Facebook page at

Scripts, actors and directors were all chosen from open submission. We had an amazing 62 scripts in the short submission period. We are going to give brief feedback to everyone who took the time to submit their scripts, as we know how frustrating it is not to know why something wasn't chosen! And we're going to send out a list of names and email addresses for those who entered and want to be put in touch with other writers. :D

Hi Everyone, Wave

Well, it's been and gone and we're still all on a high - Westminster Reference Library ground floor was packed out - a full house and an atmosphere full of laughter and goodwill! Great writers, actors, directors! Thank you to those who came and we've now got a RealDeal Theatre facebook page at so if you're a writer, director or actor/performer, we'd love to have you on board! :)

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