British Comedy Guide

What are you reading right now? Page 47

Currently reading The Naked Jape by Jimmy Carr and Lucy Greeves. Thought-provoking and fun.

Quote: Timbo @ December 29 2008, 1:12 PM GMT

Currently reading The Naked Jape by Jimmy Carr and Lucy Greeves. Thought-provoking and fun.

Yes a good book, not managed to finish it yet though.

I like how they challenge stereotypes in comedy.

Just cracked open Heaven and Hell: My Life in the Eagles (1974-2001) by Don Felder. It was on the shelf at the library and looked interesting.

Quote: sootyj @ December 29 2008, 8:27 AM GMT

Currently reading the new Stephen King short story collection


Good innit.


I have only read the first one so far though.

I'm not a book reader, to be more precise, a reader of novels. But the missus insisted I read one called Light in the Head by Brian Langan. And you know what, I'm actually enjoying it. I'm actually into reading a book and it's a weird feeling of "Ooo". It's very imaginative, which is what I would want in a novel or at least what I think I would want, if I read novels. Which I can now say I do, well a novel.

I'm reading a book called Spike and Co. It is about the group of comedy writers that worked for the BBC from the early 1950s to the mid 1960s. Only started it so can't really say if it's any good.

Is it fictionalised, or pure fact? Type thing.

It's a factual thing. There is a section on how the idea for The Goons sketches came about, how the idea for Steptoe and Son came about, how all the writers got on together, things like that.

Sounds interesting. I'll keep an eye out for it.

(And probably never read it.)

I got it from my sister at Christmas, knowing her and her thrifty ways it probably came out of a bargain bin, so you will probably be able to pick it up cheap.

Haha! Well I know a lovely bookshop I'll make sure to head to and look for it.

I'm currently reading this thread- haha

Anyway, the book I'm reading at the minute is Gene Hunt's Modern Policing 1981 edition, having really enjoyed the 1973 edition.

My regular update from David Icke's website. The racist loony's practically creaming himself about what's going on in Israel.

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