Monday 15th December 2008 6:40am
14,732 posts
Companies already use the data to pinpoint locations without using GPS. It wouldn't necessarily have to be a database of open WIFI locations, but a database of physical locations vs. MAC addresses.
Just brainstorming the kinds of things I'd want to get done in one shot if I planned to drive down every street on the planet.
My father actually drove down every road in the county we lived in in Florida. Several thousand miles, marking little dots on the map for single-family residences, businesses, etc. He used the data to create the county's first land use maps and plans for the future. I HATED it when we'd have to go driving with him on the weekends. A slow crawl down endless streets ... 
Quote: Ned1984 @ December 15 2008, 1:35 AM GMT
I bet you looked out your window just to make sure they weren't building new houses.
I did spot my car in my parking space at the office.