British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 360

Quote: Dr Mato @ December 19 2008, 1:27 AM GMT

real men hunt with traditional bow >-------> ;)

Damn! Out Canadianed by Dr Mato again!

'things that piss you off'

People who hunt and kill animals for pleasure.

I had the Canadian took out of me, stuffed and mounted on the wall.

Quote: Loopey @ December 19 2008, 1:30 AM GMT

'things that piss you off'

People who hunt and kill animals for pleasure.

It was self defense. The Partidge had a knife.

Quote: Leevil @ December 19 2008, 1:32 AM GMT

I had the Canadian took out of me, stuffed and mounted on the wall.

Why? So you could use him later? You people have odd sex lives. Stuffing them inside and then pulling them out then mounting them up against the wall.

Quote: Curt @ December 19 2008, 1:24 AM GMT

Catch us some Ibex

I've successfully tracked IBEX, but it's a satellite, not a critter.

Quote: Curt @ December 19 2008, 1:33 AM GMT

It was self defense. The Partidge had a knife.


Quote: Leevil @ December 19 2008, 1:32 AM GMT

I had the Canadian took out of me, stuffed and mounted on the wall.

If Aaron were here he would correct that to 'taken out of me.'

Quote: Loopey @ December 19 2008, 1:30 AM GMT

'things that piss you off'

People who hunt and kill animals for pleasure.

I agree with you Loopey. I will assure you my family hunts for food. Not one part of the animal is wasted and it is not with out many thanks and praise for the meat and warmth. No trophies, no bragging, no show what look at me.

Quote: Loopey @ December 19 2008, 1:30 AM GMT

'things that piss you off'

People who hunt and kill animals for pleasure.

I've never hunted after that sad incident with the BB gun and bird when I was 10, but I'd eat anything I hunted. And bow hunting looks like fun. Ted Nugent lives a few hours north of here and he leads hunting outings on his property. I'd like to give it a whirl someday.

Quote: Curt @ December 19 2008, 1:33 AM GMT

Why? So you could use him later? People do odd things with their sex slaves.

How do you know that? You been watching me? Was it you on the phone the other night and the flowers, the flowers in a vase of blood? I'm calling the police.

I'll eat any game meat put in front of me.
Mmmmmmmmm mooooose burgers.

Quote: Leevil @ December 19 2008, 1:37 AM GMT

How do you know that? You been watching me? Was it you on the phone the other night and the flowers, the flowers in a vase of blood? I'm calling the police.

Laughing out loud Nobody asked you to not put up any curtains.

Ted Nuggent :O mums the word.....

* as Dr Mato bites nails and tongue to make comments that are not exceptable

Perhaps I shouldn't be talking to you strange people. Huh?

Quote: Loopey @ December 19 2008, 1:40 AM GMT

Perhaps I shouldn't be talking to you strange people. Huh?

Chocolate covered pretzel?

Quote: Curt @ December 19 2008, 1:38 AM GMT

Laughing out loud Nobody asked you to not put up any curtains.

The old man across the street did. Paid me mighty fine money for it too. Terrible nice fella he was, always touching and rubbing me.

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