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BBC Wales comedy unit

has any actual welsh writer evermanaged to get into the BBC Wales Comedy Unit.
One would think, in ones childlike naiveity that it would be the natural home for such as myself, albeit i am extremely old and firmly entrenched in the Peggy Lee Era and naked video-maybe i`m just not funny anymore.
Although our friendly director who I think is now a bit miffed with me for sending out a script to BBC Scotland because he wanted to send it,has pitched what he always has maintained ,a stunning mixed race family sitcom set in Canton,or thereabout but which the bbc at london in their vast wisdom couldnt decide if it was a comedy or a drama as they didnt think it was funny enuff for the one or dramatic enuff for the other.
Charlie Adams gave me some good feedbak on a script about two boys in a halfway house which was very helpful, but I dont think he wants to go any further.
I am thinking of joining the Swiss navy just as soon as I can figure out how to work their bottle opener.
The Film Agency of Wales have been very stunning and genuinely do seem to want to help.
I`m waiting for feedback there.
i stil believe in Ruby even if she doesnt much believe in herself.
Might re-work Somebody Up There owes me-PLEASE, Please Please, does anyone know of any agents out there who will take on new-ish writers :(

I get the impression that Beeb Wales is a bit of a mysterious organisation that operates in an alternate universe. One bloke I know got commissioned by them and then didn't hear a peep for the next two years.

There don't seem to be that many comedy agent types out there but you could try and for starters. Dunno how relevant an agent would be until you're making big bucks but I suppose it all helps.

Well, yes it would seem as if the BBC have closed their doors to new welsh writers, although somewhere in my dim and distant past, I did have a sit-com pilot broadcast on Radio Wales. But in recent times, it seems harder and harder to break the doors of broadcasting house Llandaff.
I find the BBC in Wales quite an enigma really. I sent their writers unit a script which they quite liked but would have needed more work to bring it up to broacast quality. That's fine, but having read my script, and knowing I can do a tidy job of it and that I'm Welsh, one would think they'd show an interest in me, and maybe ask to read something else, as BBC wales now has quite a wide range of drama. But it was thanks, but no thanks. Now F**K off back to where you belong. Other than building an OK relationship (proffesional, of course) with a radio producer, I find the BBC a locked door.

if you live in North Wlaes cross the boarder into Liverpool and submit a script as a 'northern writer,' you're bound to be comissioned

I can't spell Wales, thats good for a writer.

It would seem that unless one is linked to an indie you`ve got as much chance as skydiver in a frogsuit and flippers.
Good to know there are other angry geezers ou there.
Actually we are linked to a new prodco and he`s pitched a script to the lovely gareth gwenlan after the beeb at london rejected it.This one is set in Canton.
What continues to amaze me and which i always seem to be banging on about, is if the bBC see themselves as some sort of champions of new writers why dont they just climb aboard the bloody Wonder Horse and gallop off Beachy Head.
Having said that the darlings have always seen themselves as patrons of the dramatic arts.
We dont need patrons-we just want someone to bloody listen to us and not steal our scripts.
Anyone know about online show involving Maggot tv-how do the writers get paid if anyone can read it-(maybe I should ask them myself.
(Also, why are most of the writers on the Directory so cagey-they say they want to talk to you/collab, then imediately clam up.
The only guy I know who is pretty open is SlagA.
I`m still trying to get an agent.
BBC Wales at least so far seem as much use as a handbrake on a cnoo ecpet for Willa king who at least bother to respond.Wonder if John Sullivan went thru all this-do I have to resort to cleaning out shitehouses like raymond allen before i get a commision.
Of course, as soon as i do i`ll immediately retract everything I said.
nybody know anything about Marchmont films.
Do they really exist-or is it like that film The game with Michaael Douglas. ?

I wrote to you once but you never replied.
was it something I said-just how dim and distant are you-are you as old as me,(I`m 52).
Why dont we set up our own consortium of welsh writers and form our own prodco, and deliberately not invite any of the wasters to the gala opening launch with Katherine Jenkins.
Surely we can all write-all we need is a kickstart and some financial backing-what about the welsh arts council.
Are we all gonna keep moaning and groaning until 23 year old high-flying executives run the bloody industry and we sit about on park benches kicking the pigeons and banging on about the good old days when a script didnt rely entirely on filth and annual sex.
I can feel it happening now.
Its the law of ever diminshing returns.maybe i could rite for playboy. :S

I do apologise Steve. The thing is, I have an over zealous E-mail checker that sends all E-mails it doesn't recognise into a bulk folder. If for some reason I'm not on the ball - which is often the case - when I go throug the penis enlargements, and viagra E-mails, It gets dumped back into hyperspace. So, this is obviously the case. I wouldn't not answer the E-mail for no reason. What was it about, by the way?

Quote: Steve Voyce @ November 28, 2006, 12:21 PM

I wrote to you once but you never replied.
was it something I said-just how dim and distant are you-are you as old as me,(I`m 52).
Why dont we set up our own consortium of welsh writers and form our own prodco, and deliberately not invite any of the wasters to the gala opening launch with Katherine Jenkins.
Surely we can all write-all we need is a kickstart and some financial backing-what about the welsh arts council.
Are we all gonna keep moaning and groaning until 23 year old high-flying executives run the bloody industry and we sit about on park benches kicking the pigeons and banging on about the good old days when a script didnt rely entirely on filth and annual sex.
I can feel it happening now.
Its the law of ever diminshing returns.maybe i could rite for playboy. :S

on filth and annual sex.

On your birthday, then? Same as the rest of us!!

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