...what do you think happens?
Do you think there's life after death or will it be before-you-were-born-esque oblivion?
I'm interested to know what peeps think/believe will happen to them.
A large number of people believe in ghosts and/or claim to have seen one themselves - so if you are one of these, where do these spirits live?
I completely don't know, but at the moment I'd go for oblivion because there's nothing to suggest anything else for me. I have to admit though that oblivion/non-existance does scare me and I would love to see a ghost or see any kind of indication that there is something afterwards. I'm also not religious, but a lot of the time when I see or read about some of the complete scummy shitbags that share our planet I find myself hoping I'm wrong and there turns out to be a hell so they don't just get away with it.
This thread was inspired from a picture zooo posted btw, but I can't find it now.