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Quote: Matthew Stott @ December 10 2008, 1:14 PM GMT

Wow, I disagree with Aaron; I'm in shock.

*falls off chair*

Anyway, I'm bloody hungry so enough of this nonsense.

Stott, you've argued well, and it's been fun!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ December 10 2008, 1:14 PM GMT

Wow, I disagree with Aaron; I'm in shock.

It must be tiring, being so consistently wrong.

I haven't seen a great debate like this on here for ages! Thanks!

Quote: Aaron @ December 10 2008, 1:21 PM GMT

It must be tiring, being so consistently wrong.

I really don't want to, but you get a - :D

Quote: Ben @ December 10 2008, 1:26 PM GMT

I haven't seen a great debate like this on here for ages! Thanks!

My blezure.

Quote: Aaron @ December 10 2008, 1:21 PM GMT

It must be tiring, being so consistently wrong.

All the best things are wrong ;)

Quote: Aaron @ December 10 2008, 1:21 PM GMT

It must be tiring, being so consistently wrong.

I dunno you seem to still be quite spry ;)


That must also be the biggest word you've used, "spry". Congratulations.

Quote: Aaron @ December 10 2008, 1:38 PM GMT


That must also be the biggest word you've used, "spry". Congratulations.

If you discount "because" then it probably is...oh no there is another....oh and another ;)

Biggest intellectually, not in number of characters.

Quote: Aaron @ December 10 2008, 2:26 PM GMT

Biggest intellectually, not in number of characters.

There really is only one response to that now isn't there ;)

Do enlighten us with it then.

Quote: Aaron @ December 10 2008, 2:26 PM GMT

Biggest intellectually, not in number of characters.

That sounds like a good thread: Short yet intellectual words.

I got stuck under the Christmas tree last night having turning out its lights to go to bed. My dad refused to drag me out unless I sang the Katie Melua song about bicycles in Beijing as he did it.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ December 10 2008, 5:35 PM GMT

I got stuck under the Christmas tree last night having turning out its lights to go to bed. My dad refused to drag me out unless I sang the Katie Melua song about bicycles in Beijing as he did it.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

"HOW many bicycles are there!?"

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