British Comedy Guide

General, General Thread Page 1,662

Anyone snowed in today? I've just got depressing grey clouds and rain. Usually I love that sort of weather, but it's getting me down at the moment.

No snow at work; snow at home, but not enough to stop me getting to work. :(

Quote: JuliaC @ December 4 2008, 12:06 PM GMT

No snow at work; snow at home, but not enough to stop me getting to work. :(

Darn :( better luck morrow Julia.

Ha! Fingers crossed! ;)

Lots of sunny mcsunshine here.

Blue skies here.

I notice there are 41 'guests' online at the moment. I hope you're all having a nice time. You stalking bastards.

*waves*! I'm here!

Quote: roscoff @ December 3 2008, 10:25 PM GMT

My best friend from my sixth form college days died last year. Still hurts a lot.

Quote: EllieJP @ December 3 2008, 10:08 PM GMT

Had some sad news tonight guys. A guy I was at Uni with died from a virus while travelling. I didn't know him that well (only to say hi) but my best friends who knew him well have been crying down the phone (we live far away) and I just feel so sad. It just shows how easily someone you love can be taken away from you. :(

:( Console Aw guys!

:( :( :(


Nobody is going to watch it now.

Damn you BBC we need more Wogan not less!

Wogan morning, noon and night.

Fill him full of viagra and Royal Jelley and never let him retire.

Or perhaps if he ate the liver of Jonathon Ross and Russell Brand?

Quote: sootyj @ December 5 2008, 3:18 AM GMT

Fill him full of viagra and Royal Jelley and never let him retire.

Laughing out loud

Whogan? Wogan?

Hello there, Curt! Not seen you for a while.

My feet are cold.

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