British Comedy Guide

Acronym Sketch

Does this one work?

Lee and Eric are talking. The room is full of people waiting for a meeting to start.

Eric: Acronyms! What a waste of everyone's time!

Lee: They don't waste time! In fact they save time if anything.

Eric: Well cutting of your right hand would make it faster to put gloves on but...

Lee: (LAUGHS) Don't be soft.

Eric: I'm not soft!

Lee: Eric, if you were any softer I'd be forced to build a time machine, go back to your birth and make sure your parents name you, Soft McSoft the 3rd!

Eric: I'm not bothered what you say! We (PAUSE) the People Against Acronyms, will change the English Language and eradicate the use of acronyms.

Lee: (SMIRKS) If you say so.

Eric: We will.


Eric: Ladies and Gentleman, we welcome you to the first meeting, of the P.A.A!


It's a slightly obvious punchline but still good. I think this sketch would benefit from losing some of the banter and having a couple more TLA based gags instead.

No, quite bad i thought.

Just one line after another that exists only to set up the one that follows it. "soft"...who says that? Oh, thats right...someone with a McSoft gag lined up!

Your sketch starts with "We (PAUSE) the People Against Acronyms" and it's not to hot.

I agree with Pete, the actual relative content in the sketch all happens in the last line, I think this would only work as an incidental part of a sitcom as it would be good for a quick laugh.

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