hi everyone..hope your all hunky dory,haven't been on for ages as have been filming a new sitcom 'The Visit' which was going to be called 'Smalltime' but has reverted to it's original title,for anyone i haven't met,ime the actor who plays Blind Pete,filming was fantastic.the series is superb and kicks off on the 15th of July on BBC3 at 9pm with the trailers beggining this monday!soooo excited and would love to hear from BSG friends old and new!..rsvp..Vinny
Time for 'The visit'
Setting myself an alert now!
Awww, it clashes with How We Built Britain though. Will have to record!
Bonjour Aaron me old mate!sorry about the schedule clash but i hereby remind you that as the founder of this here site your first obligation is to the comedy hows ya been ?have you seen the press release for 'The visit' yet on the Beebs website?
Hi there Vinny
What fantastic news! Congratulations and well done
I`ll definitely be watching.
Thank you Jude..thats really kind of ya !hope the M.A is going well and all your student loans gone on strongbow
Sounds great.
What other actors were in it with you?
Hello Vincent. I will be watching. Especially you. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hello Vincent. well done - I'll try to give it a watch but I usually end up missing these things!
Oh, this is the show with the guy that played John Prescott and is also in a new BBC film called "Grow Your Own." I may check it out.
Quote: vincent davies @ June 30, 2007, 1:36 PMBonjour Aaron me old mate!sorry about the schedule clash but i hereby remind you that as the founder of this here site your first obligation is to the comedy
hows ya been ?have you seen the press release for 'The visit' yet on the Beebs website?
Yeah, but 'The Visit' is half the length of HWBB, so will take up less space on my hard drive when I record it.
But I'm sure it'll be great!
Weclome back Vincent. I'm looking forward to your new show - it sounds fun. We have a guide to the characters etc here
Quote: vincent davies @ June 30, 2007, 1:55 PMThank you Jude..thats really kind of ya !hope the M.A is going well and all your student loans gone on strongbow
The course is going well so far Vinny and I hope my liver and I manage to make it through the second year!
Muchas gracias to all who have wished me and the series well,it really is appreciated i was a bit unsure how my return to BSG would be as i have been away for a while but it appears i need not have worried as again i have been made to feel welcome..
am loving 'The Visit' info on this site,really on the ball,seriously though chaps and chappettes it's an absolute riot and was brilliant to film,all of course except when i had to do my mobile phone 'storage' episode..a lot of wriggling,tons of giggling thats The Visit x
wow! long time no speak-I cant believe its finally done! youre gonna be on the tellybox
Sure am chuck! and yes..tis finito and looks magnifico..really funny.How are you?been up to much? it's great to be back amongst friends x