I just got myself GTA: San Andreas. I love it. Yeah, I'm a bit behind in the series but it's still new (to me). I'm only about 8% into the game but I love it and can't stop playing, even if to just drive around (I haven't even unlocked 3/4 of the map but it's still huge!).
I love the ability to climb walls, such a small addition but huge improvement to the game. The cars are ace and I find the bicycles far too satisfying, it's just wrong. The motorbikes are the best though.
The storyline is by far becoming my favourite of the series though. It's script is funny and the characters are good. The radio stations are cool too.
I'm dying to play GTA4 but lack of next gen console and money, it will have to wait a while. Is it as good as it looks?
Anyone else a fan of the series?
(I'm only making this post to give myself a break from the actual game... ah f**k it, I'm off to play!)