British Comedy Guide

Britain's Got a New PM Page 3

Quote: charley rance @ June 28, 2007, 10:29 PM

Lordy! I dont know if you are listening to what I am at the mo but poor old Queenie needs 3 million for repairs to her home. The government have declined to help so far. YEY!!!!!
I need a few grand on repairs. If she gets it in the end, I want it based on, that on my death the state will take inheritance tax off my babys.

a) It's not hers. It's ours.
b) The Royal Family don't even like it.
c) If it was allowed to go into further disrepair - particularly to such an extent where it was literally falling down and required rebuilding or whatever - then the costs incurred would be closer to £30 million than a measly three.
d) I'd gladly give a bit of my money towards it.

Quote: Wildjesusfishkid @ June 28, 2007, 10:32 PM

Remember the good old days...when Labour were left wing and the Tories
had oranges in their mouths!

And Labour were safely where they belong; on opposition benches. ;)

Well I would not!
Maybe you should start a collection then.

No need to. They'll just raise the prices on tickets to other Royal properties, up the prices of merchandise, etc etc.

Quote: Aaron @ June 28, 2007, 10:51 PM

a) It's not hers. It's ours.
b) The Royal Family don't even like it.
c) If it was allowed to go into further disrepair - particularly to such an extent where it was literally falling down and required rebuilding or whatever - then the costs incurred would be closer to £30 million than a measly three.
d) I'd gladly give a bit of my money towards it.

And Labour were safely where they belong; on opposition benches. ;)

Oooh!!!! Aren't we a poor little Tory boy!

Quote: Aaron @ June 28, 2007, 10:53 PM

No need to. They'll just raise the prices on tickets to other Royal properties, up the prices of merchandise, etc etc.

There we go then. Let the tourists pay.

Quote: Aaron @ June 28, 2007, 10:51 PM

a) It's not hers. It's ours.
b) The Royal Family don't even like it.
c) If it was allowed to go into further disrepair - particularly to such an extent where it was literally falling down and required rebuilding or whatever - then the costs incurred would be closer to £30 million than a measly three.
d) I'd gladly give a bit of my money towards it.

Give it to all the homeless peeps on the streets then if it is ours.
b) resign then.
d) save it for a charity.

Quote: Aaron @ June 28, 2007, 10:51 PM

And Labour were safely where they belong; on opposition benches. ;)

*Forces himself to keep quiet*

Come back Guido Fawkes. All is forgiven.

Quote: David Chapman @ June 28, 2007, 11:02 PM

Oooh!!!! Aren't we a poor little Tory boy!

Err, no. What a strange comment David...

Quote: charley rance @ June 28, 2007, 11:12 PM

Give it to all the homeless peeps on the streets then if it is ours.
b) resign then.
d) save it for a charity.

In which case we'd still need to spend millions of pounds making it safe. Rolling eyes
b) Why 'resign' because of not liking one building?
c) Laughing out loud
d) I already donate to charity via Direct Debit on a monthly basis.

Yey! Me too. Only thing is by time my account is skint I want my charity money back. They wont give it to you though. Bastards.:)
Its so hard because once you pay for one, more get your details. I do two & thats it. Otherwise I would need to go to a chatity myself.
I used to feel guilty saying no but there does come a point where you have too. Choosing the two was hard.

Obviously it's early days but I read today that Gordon Brown wanted to give more powers to Parliament, putting more checks in place for government. Think it's all part of an attempt at bringing the trust and honesty back into politics. I like the idea so far, just a matter of time to see how far he goes with it.

Whoever's in power, they cow-tow to the 'real' power. Substitute your favoured secret group for 'real' :)

I watched a documentary on North Korea and the cult of personality thing they have going is scary (so much like 1984 - yep, I'm on that trip again!) but the real scary part is that our bosses manipulate us just as effectively but they've taken the lessons from Huxley and Orwell and have learned how to do it without being observed.

Who said I'm paranoid? Give it a few years and see what world we're waking up in then eh?

SlagA looks shiftily from left and right


Do you know what?
That David Miliband is quite fit.

(sorry to bring down the tone, but this is big news! An attractive politician?! Unheard of.)

Cherie Blair looks like Cruella De Vil from 101 Dalmations. And I'm talking about the cartoon version here, not Glen Close.

Quote: zooo @ June 29, 2007, 5:50 PM

Do you know what?
That David Miliband is quite fit.

(sorry to bring down the tone, but this is big news! An attractive politician?! Unheard of.)

WTF?! You're ILL! Seriously, seriously ill! :O


(Normally I try to refrain from commenting on such matters - taste is taste - but MILIBAND?!)

(although a straight man) i always thought John Prescott was quite fit, sorry wrong vowel, (couldn't help it, i apoligises)

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